Amazing, Simple, Beneficial Recipe

Some time ago my wife and I came across and incredible simple recipe. The ingredients are raw garlic and raw honey. Each of these Foods have some incredible antibacterial and medicinal properties and they combine to form a delicious, healthy treat with great medicinal potential. The hardest part of this recipe is the waiting. Simply fill a jar with garlic and pour the raw honey over the top. Leave some space so that the air around and inside the garlic can bubble out. It will take some time for all the air pockets in the garlic to be filled with honey, but after about 3 months the garlic is infused with the honey and the Honey is infused with the garlic. Somehow, having the garlic saturated in the honey like that turns a raw garlic clove, which would ordinarily be very hard to eat raw for most people, into a tasty candy-like treat. I am making some right now in preparation for the cold and flu season this fall and winter.

Also, the bubbling process can take a while, so don't screw the lid on tight right away. Give it a try if you like, but I know that we have a hard time keeping enough around. Seriously, the kids and I will eat the garlic like it is candy.

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