papa-peppers guide to plant propagation - INTRODUCTION

Since we all need food to survive, food has become a passion of mine. One of the easiest ways to make sure to almost always have some food on hand is to grow your own. Gardening from seedlings or seeds is one way of growing your own food that many are familiar with, but plenty of other ways exist.

Fig Trees

I've decided to start a new series entitled papa-peppers guide to plant propagation to help educate people of some of the various ways to get some free food.


Many of the methods of plant propagation that I will cover are actually quite simple, and, with a little practice, it is not hard to become quite skilled at it. If you can find a local plant that you enjoy eating, there's really no reason not to grow your own.

Lemon Balm

The pictures included here are some examples of plants that I have already propagated. Most are part of a permaculture food forest project that I am working on with a friend.


We are in the process of purchasing multiple acres and desire to be wise stewards of the dirt on that property. Hopefully we will be able to provide food for our families and many more.

Stinging Nettles

Some of the methods of plant propagation that I will be covering are grafting, root division, layering, stem rooting, and others.

Passion Fruit

I will also cover some easy ways for saving your own seeds from the plants that you are already growing or eating.

Dragon Fruit

There is no reason for many of us not be growing our own food on some level. Perhaps complete self sufficiency is not your goal, but a free meal is easy to come by if you have some dirt.

Horse Radish

Remember, every edible you can grow yourself is one less food that you have to buy* and "a penny saved is a penny earned" according to Benjamin Franklin.


I should have the first post in this series out shortly, and hopefully you can gain some helpful instruction. We have already been extremely blessed by growing our own food, and we want to pass that blessing on to you.
Stay tuned - @papa-pepper


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