This week I'll be trying to figure out some non-traditional uses for cucumbers. For anyone who saw my "When Life Gives You 282 Cucumbers" post, you'll understand why. (Otherwise, I think the title of that post says it all.)

Some time ago we gave a neighbor lady some cucumbers and she was really excited about. I know that sounds strange, but I guess she had just heard about the option of using Cucumbers to make sandwiches and wanted to give it a try. I never did find out how her attempt went, but I stashed the idea in my mind to be used on a future occasion. Well, now is that time, so I'll be experimenting on options all week. Some will be "full sandwiches" like the one pictured, and I've got some ideas to use them as "boats" too, filled with something delicious, similar to the style of a Deviled Egg. Stay tuned and we'll see what I come up with.


  • 1 Medium or Large Cucumber

  • Sandwich Meat of Choice (Turkey for me)

  • Sliced Cheese of Choice (Extra Sharp Cheddar on mine)

  • Lettuce

  • 1 Tomato

  • Condiments of Choice (Mayo & Honey Mustard used here)


Slice Cucumber in half lengthwise and remove the inside with a spoon.

Add Condiments to each side of the Cucumber.

Add Cheese to one side and Lettuce to the other.

Add Meat to one side and Sliced Tomato to the other.

Combine both half to make a whole sandwich.


Obviously, this was not as dry as a sandwich made with bread. Since the inside of the cucumber is moist and I did not wipe it dry, the condiments made it a little slippery, though I've seen the same results by having sliced meat and mayo next to one another in bread sandwiches too. I think that it could be a great option for those trying to avoid Gluten or Grains, and it certainly was delicious.

Would I make it again? Yes. It's a great way to save money and use up some of the harvest, though it was a little more difficult to eat than a traditional sandwich. We'll see what else I can come up with. I think that I have some even better ideas for the next couple!

Thanks- @papa-pepper


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