THE EDIBLE OUTDOORS #14 - Wild Lettuce

Wild Lettuce? Yes, even lettuce once roamed the open prairie, and, if you keep your eyes open, you just might find that some is still out there. Lettuce is another one of those plant, that although many have been cultivated by mankind, many other varieties still exist in the wild.


If you have ever allowed some of your lettuces to go to seed, then you’ll recognize the shape of the stalk and seedy top. This is what first tipped me off. I thought, “Wow, that plant looks just like some of my lettuce did when I let it go to seed.” Upon investigation, I found out that it looked so similar because it was a lettuce that had gone to seed, it just happened to be wild.

Wild Lettuce Stalk

A large plant is a little easier to distinguish from the little ones. Many other plants can look similar to the wild lettuces when they are young. As always, accurate identification is crucial when dealing with wild edibles. Many plants can make you sick, and some could kill you. I’d recommend locating a local expert to help you explore what is good to eat outdoors in your area.

Wild Lettuce Leaf

The leaf of this kind is distinct and serrated, and when broken off, a white sap will ooze out. Leaf shape can vary though, as multiple wild varieties still exist.


It is worth noting that the uses for Wild Lettuce vary. Of course it can be eaten as a food, but some varieties has also been used medicinally. Apparently, the sap may have a mild opium-like effect, and has been used to treat a number of aliments. Some Native American would even smoke the resin. Always consult a physician before using any plant medicinally.

Side Salad Anyone?

The flavor is definitely similar to some of the varieties that I have previously grown in my garden. “Bolted” lettuces have a certain bitter flavor, and bolted wild lettuce is no different. Once it has that slightly bitter flavor, it maybe better to cook it or mix it in with other greens. I a survival situation, just eating the leaves raw will provide you with nourishment.

Wild Lettuce - Another Option for Outdoor Edibles

I like mixing it up anyway, and haven't cooked this variety yet, though, if it winds up being anything like my Edible Outdoors Stir-fry, I'll be more than happy to cook some up.


Wild lettuce can be a source of multiple vitamins and minerals, most notably Fiber and Vitamin A.

Wild Lettuce Can Be Hard See Mixed In With Other Plants

It has long been used as a food source worldwide and also as a medicinal plant.


Wild Lettuce reproduces itself from seeds. Collecting some of these seeds is a great way to establish a wild garden in a more convenient location. It's never a bad idea to have some extra food on hand.

Wild Lettuce Gone To Seed

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