Travelling around Mexico as a Plant-Based Diabetic

I often recieve the question: what the hell can you eat in Mexico as a plant-based diabetic?

Well, my answer is simple: look at these pictures!




Mexicans are well known for eating a lot of meat, which is 100% true, but despite of that, this is the place where I went vegan. So nothing is impossible. In fact, I can't imagine a better place to be as a vegan. Especially during winter time, because in Hungary, we have very limited types of fruits and veggies in winter, and you also crave for heavier, cooked meals in cold weather. But here in Mexico, the weather is nice and warm, plus there are so many wonderful, juicy topical fruits which make me really happy.

When I go to the local's market, I feel like being in Heaven. I've just realized, that fruits and veggies markets make me much more excited lately, than any fashion stores 😅



I've lived in Playa del Carmen in Mexico for a year and I've just started travelling all over Mexico. As a vegan diabetic, it truly can be hard to find restaurants where I can eat something that fits in my Low-Fat, Plant-Based, Wholefood Diet, so guess what is the first thing for me to do when I arrive to a new place? I go to the local's market immediately. I stock up on fruits and veggies and I'm all set. This way, I definitely won't ruin my diet, plus those are my favourite attractions anyways 😄

Have you ever seen chickpeas in their original form?

Cactus is one of my favourite veggies in Mexico

*And cactus fruit is one of my favourite fruits :)

When I'm craving for snacks, I go for some roasted habas (kind of beans) or chickpeas flavoured with chili and lime, instead of chips

Look at these breakfast plates. Aren't they mouth watering?
Mango and banana

Mango and jícama

I had a BBQ dinner with friends the other day. I bought some veggies and grilled them. Do I look sad being a vegan?

Cactus, onion, carrot, tomato, broccoli, zucchini


And you can always reproduce the traditional Mexican dishes in a healthy, plant-based version.
Corn tortillas with beans and homemade garlic-tomato sauce.

Oil-free black bean dip with veggie sticks instead of refried beans with meat.

Following a Low-Fat, Plant-Based, Wholefood diet is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I feel healthier than ever, I have more energy than ever before, I achieved my ideal weight I've always dreamed of, and last but not least, I don't harm any animals with it.

This is my entry to #veganwednesday contest held by @heart-to-heart.

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