Food - Healthy wraps

What to feed to a sick person?

As you might know by now, my boyfriend has been feeling ill these last few days. He's feverish, has a stomach ache and is nauseous. Two days ago I made him a wok dish with some whole wheat thingies, garlic and broccoli. Yesterday, I asked him what he wanted to eat.

I named a few edibles and he just kept shaking his head, saying he didn't feel like solid food. After naming basically every food I could think of, I had my approved ingredients: Avocado, corn, lettuce, grilled chicken and cucumber. I wanted him to eat a bit more, so I went for a wrap. Here's the easy recipe.



  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Can of corn
  • 1 Avocado
  • 200g lettuce
  • A few slices of grilled chicken
  • Honey mustard dressing
  • Wraps
  1. Drain the corn of its water and set aside in a bowl.
  2. Wash the cucumber and cut it in half slices.
  3. Cut the avocado in half, take out the pit and carefully peel it. Cut in slices.
  4. Take out a wrap, layer it with grilled chicken, a few cucumber slices, lettuce, corn and avocado.
  5. Add dressing to taste, roll up your wrap, done!


The fever has gotten a bit better now, but his stomach still hurts. I gave him yoghurt and oatmeal for breakfast, but have not yet figured out what to do for lunch and dinner.

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