Lunch @ Sra Bua Kiin Kiin, Hotel Kempinski Bangkok 西式泰菜在曼谷


During our trip to Xmas Bangkok, my family and I had an opportunity to lunch at Sra Bua Kiin Kiin (We were staying at Hotel Kempinski).

My wife had kept praising and bringing the restaurant to my attention. I did some research online and found It is highly acclaimed in Thailand and the first Michelin-starred restaurant there.

在我們去曼谷聖誕節的旅途中,我和我的家人有機會在Sra Bua Kiin Kiin吃午飯。我的妻子一直不停地稱讚,並把餐廳引起我的注意。我在網上做了一些研究,發現它在泰國和米其林第一星級餐廳都備受讚譽。

But I do not quite buy the Michelin guide. It appears to me that their editors are experienced in western dining / cuisines but might not be the same in the case of Asian cuisines. I doubt that recommendations on Asian dining are made critically? I am not convinced. I have tried Michelin HK local recommendations and many of them have been quite disappointing and over-rated. Rather a kiss of death.


On the day

With a doubtful mind, I remained speechless while stepping in the restaurant with my family. The ambience somewhat was altering my mind. I found the atmosphere to be captivating, a spacious layout coupled with a high ceiling and Thai decor impressed me.


We were ushered to a seating compartment and given two menus; one for set lunch and one for a la carte. My wife and I went for a four-course lunch meal. If ordered a la carte, price would have almost doubled. If you want to give the restaurant a try, lunch there is a bargain.


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Appetiser 1

Deep fried lotus roots in thin slices came first as an appetizer. The roots were crispy as expected. But out of expectation was the big bowl adding a grand touch to the presentation.


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Appetiser 2

I cannot recall what they were...sorry :-)
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Appetisers 3 & 4

A server pushed a table on wheels to us on which there were a giant grounding bowl and four small bowls. The server made a sauce for a dish on spot and explained the process, entertaining it was.


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I had seared scallops and my wife had grilled beefs for the first course. My dish was garnished with some dots of carrot-flavoured sauce and some garlic Thai sauce.


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The scallops met my expectation; I expected them to be golden brown and crispy outside but juicy and slightly raw inside.


Main dish 1

Second came a lobster in an appealing presentation. A server came to pour liquid ice in a bowl, smoke popped out in no time to add to some visual excitement. Chilled Lobster was alright. What surprised me though was the taste of splodges of yellow lobster sauce.


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Main dish 2

A quail in curry sauce with rice. The quail was tender and juicy. The sauce was not spicy at all. I did not feel any heat. But it had coconut milk in it, I do not fancy foods with coconut milk. The bowl of rice was disappointing, it was without any jasmine flavour. A stir-fried pork rice (hundred times cheaper than this) I had a night before at a Thai food joint was thousand time better than this in terms of that jasmine flavour.


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Caramel ice cream to bring the lunch to an end. If you ask me, the most satisfying dish was the dessert.


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For my boy

My boy went for a kids menu. Pasta and scoops of ice cream were for him. The restaurant is so attentive that a dedicated set of cutlery is designed for kids. They can pretend to be chefs cooking over the stove.


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Final thoughts

If garnishing and plating with a western twist, hotel service, and atmosphere were edible, this restaurant should come top on my list. Staff were attentive and decor is classy. But the major component - food itself failed to truly impress.

如果西餐的裝飾和電鍍,酒店服務和氣氛都可以食用,這家餐廳應該列在我的名單上。工作人員很周到,裝飾很優雅。但主要成分 - 食物本身並未真正打動人心。

You may give it a try if you have some free hours at noon and fancy the east-meets-west dining experience. But I will not return for the food itself.


This is a subjective review. Photos and content are original.


This is my first post on, let's see how this goes...

See you later

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