Trying out a new recipe : Fish fillet marinated with lime, ginger, turmeric and olive oil!

Trying out new recipes from products that I have on hand is actually one of my biggest passion!

Well my friends, some days back I got some nice fish fillets from my brother in law and without wasting any minutes in asking questions, I picked one of the fillets and went to the kitchen to try out a new recipe with it!


I started by making a marinade with olive oil, fresh chopped ginger, garlic and turmeric, little honey, fresh lime and spring onion!
I seasoned with some salt and pepper!


Once this marinade taste was up to my expectation, I covered the fish fillet with it! I let the fillet to marinate for 15 minutes like that in the fridge!


Next thing I did, was to place the marinated fish fillet on my bistro's grill just to get that grill mark on one side and hence get that smoky flavor!


I then transferred it on aluminium foil and made it look like a small boat...I did this as I wanted all the cooking juice to stay!
I added some onion rings, coriander leaves, lime slices and spring onion on top of the fillet and put it on back on the same grill fire!


For the top part of the fish to cook, I covered it for 3 minutes with another piece of aluminium foil!
The fish was so tender that it cooked really very quick!


In all it took approx. 6 minutes cooking time and the fish was ready to be enjoyed!


Before tasting I added some extra virgin oil and freshly squeezed lime juice on top...hmmm it was simply sooo yummy!
I was really very satisfied with the results!


Taste-wise the fish fillet was simply great on the palate and all the spices/seasoning I used in this recipe went perfectly well!

This is a dish that I will develop furthermore in the days to come as now I am sure it works!

Do you like trying new recipes like this just by the feeling?

Thanks so much for reading my post!
I hope you enjoyed this new recipe and I really encourage you to try it is really very simple to do!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me below in the comment section!

Steem On!

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