3 Different Cheesecakes & Iced Coffee In New Paradigm Eden,My life is My Work & I Am Grateful to Play At It Every Day!


Today is sunday and the great thing is that I work every day and play every day. I live in The Garden of Eden my paradise in progress. 

Im an idealist and am passionately committed to it. I live in my office, at my playground and in my church~

Though I nor my life is perfect I am grateful and improve every day. I don't take days off and I don't go to work either. My life is my work and I am grateful to play at it every day!

Today as I sit on the computer for hours going through all my top pics for my new Episode of ~(~Q2C2~)~ I decide to have some cheesecake and iced coffee (its real hot here) then I figured I might as well have 3 kinds of cheesecake!

I am feeling good and re amped up to push through the seemingly endless tabs of articles to read. I made sure to have my dose of Moringa too so as to balance out the triple cheesecakes and coffee!

Remember life is a constant dance of which balance is the key~*~

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