I fed 40,000 free meals last year and hope to feed MORE this year! Here is a look at just SOME of what I accomplished last week

Greetings, Steemit Community!

I have only made 1 post in 6 days because I have been busy feeding free food to people and running the community with an almost impossible negative zero carbon footprint! 

It requires a lot of dedication to feed 40,000 free meals a year, and hopefully this year I will surpass last year's record!

This past week, I fed hundreds of free meals, including special deliveries to local fire stations to thank them for the life saving support they provide to those in times of need. 


This is a photo of me delivering a mouthgasmic world class cake to one of the local fire stations. Have you ever had a cake with homemade strawberry sauce, jalapeños, and fresh lime wedges designed to be squeezed on top before eating? This is a cake unlike most have ever tried before, and it was truly delicious! This is not just free but WORLD CLASS food! 


I don't really like government or agree with how it operates, yet I still try and help as many people as I can and foster healthy and mutually beneficial relationships with all. 

I don't even take weekends off. This past weekend, on 2 hours of sleep, I and some Eden Knights took 75 servings of world class, high vibe, sustainable cuisine to a holistic community event to support all the people coming together to improve their community through holistic healing. 


People are so grateful because this isn't just free food (which people LOVE); it is truly food like most people have never had before. People refer to it with words such as "sumptuous" or "now I see why you call it mouthgasmic!"


This is a cucumber dish that is delicious, healthy, and so sustainable that the result is a negative zero carbon footprint, which is almost unheard of!

I am used to not getting paid for all that I do...Feeding free meals comes from a true desire to help, not to profit. 

With that being said, I invested many hours yesterday curating a very comprehensive post on one of the most important topics in the world: "money/currency" and how it really works in the world we live in. This is truly paradigm shifting information and the post is quite in-depth. 

However, I only got $.80 for the post. Again, I am used to providing value for people without getting paid, yet when I feed free meals to people they are inspired, they are touched, they are very grateful. That is why I keep doing it! Because its is a REAL impact on the people involved. It also inspires many people around me to do more for the betterment of the world. 


This was a truly awesome dish of the BEST FRITTATA I have EVER had on our sweet potato leaves (which serve as edible plates)!

Now, I am not complaining. I do not think I should be compensated for anything that is not valuable. Yet I also have no desire to invest my very valuable time that would otherwise be CHANGING PEOPLE'S LIVES into something that is not valued. 

I know lots of people only vote on something they are going to get curtain rewards for. I won't judge anyone for it, because that's how the game works. Everyone just wants to succeed. I get that. 

I also know it takes time to build a worthy reputation on this platform with so many accounts and articles every day. I know all about long term investment as it has taken me almost a decade to build The Garden of Eden @gardenofeden to be one of the most sustainable operations in the world. 

What I am saying is that even if you don't UPvote my post because of the gaming system, if you find my posts valuable please COMMENT and let me know. I am happy to provide paradigm-shifting content for the community without being compensated for it as long as it is being valued. If it's not being valued, that's ok too. No one has to value what I do or support what I do. I truly believe that only valuable content ought to be compensated, and while value is subjective (like beauty), if my perspective is not valued I can either share different perspectives or share on a different platform. 

I have over a decade of awakened experience in the areas of health, parenting, EVERYTHING sustainable, economics, relationships, photography, food alchemy and more. I would be happy to write and share about any of these topics. Just let me know! I only want to curate content that is valuable to this community. 


In closing, I just want to say I am happy to be here as part of this community as I feel Steemit has the potential to be revolutionary, and even though most of my posts only get cents, I still promote it and believe it has great potential. I am also super stoked for everyone who does make good payouts as it is so exciting to see!

If you feel what I do has value, then please leave a comment saying so, or share it with others! Then I will be happy to keep providing content. If you have suggestions or questions also please let me know. Otherwise, I will focus elsewhere, as I am changing people's lives every day. 

I shall leave you with one more photo of the extraordinary FREE food I fed this past week. 


                                                              This is a delicious and healthy desert!

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