A Classic French Apple Tart Recipe / 经典法式苹果馅饼

Yesterday, while at my friends’ home, they were kind enough to offer me some fresh Bramley apples straight from their garden tree. These type of apples are often referred to as “cooking apple” as they are not suitable for eating raw. Bramley apples are mostly used for making apple pie and cakes, etc.  

Having a fondness for pastry based foods, I thought what better opportunity than now to make a delicious French Apple Tart. This three layered dessert just oozes flavour from its crisp crusted edge to the lightly cooked apple slices on top. Paired with Crème fraiche, it's just heaven!

So here are my simple steps to creating your very own French Apple Tart. 

昨天去朋友家,他们慷慨地送了我好多从自家花园摘的新鲜苹果(Bramley apple)。这些又大又硬的绿苹果可不是直接吃的,这是做料理用的,也叫 Cooking Apple。 通常被英国人做成苹果派,苹果蛋糕等点心。  



List of Ingredients/材料 

  • 325g packet shortcrust pastry / 325克酥皮 
  • 1kg Bramley apples (cooking apples) /  1公斤料理苹果 
  • 100g butter  / 100克黄油 
  • 125g caster sugar / 125克白糖 
  • 2 tbsp Cinnamon (optional) /  2汤匙肉桂粉  
  • Finely grated zest of 1 lemon (optional)  / 柠檬皮 
  • 4-5 dessert apples (recommended royal gala) /  4到5个甜苹果 
  • 3 tbsp apricot jam / 3汤匙杏桃果酱 
  • Crème fraiche, to serve (optional) /  奶油 

Cooking Instructions / 制作方法 

Step 1 

Firstly, roll the pastry over a lightly floured surface and carefully use it to line a round, fluted flan tin.  Then, using a fork, prick the pastry base as shown below and put in the fridge for at least 15 mins. 

把酥皮摊开, 用桿麵棍將表面桿平,然後將酥皮覆蓋在馅饼盘上,去除多餘的酥皮並用手指按壓使之与馅饼盘可以緊密貼合。用叉子把底层酥皮戳几下, 放入冰箱冷却15分钟以上。 

Step 2 (To Create the Filling):  

Peel the cooking apples and cut them into small pieces. Put them into a pot, then add the butter and 2 tablespoons of water. Place on low heat and stir until the butter melts. Now, increase the heat and simmer the mixture for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally until the apples have softened.  Add the caster sugar and grated lemon zest (optionally cinnamon for extra flavour) and cook over the low heat, stirring it occasionally, until the mixture becomes thick. Remove the pot and leave on the side to cool for now. 

(蘋果餡做法) 將料理蘋果去皮切块,然后放入鍋中,加入黄油,两汤匙水和白糖,煮約莫15分鐘至蘋果軟化大部分的湯汁收乾,接著用叉子將蘋果餡搗成泥狀。可按个人喜好,加入柠檬皮和肉桂粉。 

Step 3 

Preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas Mark 5. Line the pastry base with a sheet of baking parchment and fill with 2-3 cups of rice on top. This is to act as a weight on the pastry base. Place the whole flan tin in the oven for 12 minutes. Once done, lift out the baking parchment containing the rice. Bake the pastry for a further 5 minutes until it becomes a light, golden colour. 

将烤炉加热到190度高温,铺上一层烤炉纸在馅饼盘上,加入2到3杯米 (或大豆)。整个馅饼盘放入烤炉12分钟。然后把烤炉纸和米拿出,再烤5 分钟,直到酥皮开始变成金黄色。 

Step 4 (Preparing the Royal Gala Apple Slice Topping): 

Peel off the skin of the apples and take out the core. Then slice the apple length ways into very thin slices. 


Step 5 

Take the previously cooked filling out of the pot and spread it evenly out over the pastry base layer. 


Step 6 

Now lay the apple slices on the top layer of filling so that they overlap each other in neat concentric rings as shown. Cut a few smaller slices of the apple as you start moving towards the centre. Lastly, sprinkle some sugar on the top. 


Step 7

Place back in the oven for 30-35 mins until the apple slices start to turn crisp and golden. 


Step 8

Warm some apricot jam with 1 tablespoon of water in the microwave until it becomes runny. Finally using a basting brush, spread it evenly over the top of the hot apple tart and voilà, your French Apple Tart is ready to serve. 


將杏果醬加一汤勺水,放进微波炉15秒成液體狀備用. 在蘋果派表層輕刷一層果醬,再配上奶油就可以美美地享受啦! 

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