How To Create The Delicious Apple Rose Tart Dessert / 怎样制作美味的肉桂苹果甜品

I would like to introduce a delicious dessert for you all to try – The Apple Rose Tart! It has a very professional look to it however is not complicated to make. If everyone follows the simple steps below, you too can enjoy this crisp, delicious little treat.

There is no doubt your family and friends will be very impressed with the presentation of this elegant dessert at the dinner table. An added bonus is that each apple rose tart contains minimal sugar and is packed with nutrition, retaining its health benefits yet not skimping on favour. So if you are ready, let’s begin! 



1. Cut an apple into 2 halves and divided each piece into thin, equal slices as shown. 


2. Prepare a bowl half filled with water and add the juice of half a lemon into it. Then place the previously cut apple slices into the bowl. 


3. Take the bowl and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes. 


4. In a separate bowl, pour 3 tablespoons of apricot preserve. Add a further tablespoon of water and mix well. 另准备一个空碗,加入三勺杏子酱和少量清水,搅和均匀。 

5. Next, roll out a sheet of puff pastry and cut it into 8 equal strips. 


6. Spread the apricot preserve mix evenly on each pastry strip and lay the apple slices as shown. 

取出一份酥皮涂抹上杏子酱,并将苹果摆放在酥皮的边缘 (如下图所示)。 

7. Lightly sprinkle some cinnamon over the pastry strips. 


8. Fold the empty flap of each pastry strip over and carefully roll from one side all the way to the other. The hidden rose has finally been revealed!   


9. Next, place the apple rose tarts on a baking tray and put in a pre-heated oven at 190 degrees for 35 minutes until the top is crisp and golden brown. 


10. Finally, sprinkle some icing sugar on top. Ta-da, delicious little rose apple tarts ready to be served! Enjoy! 最后撒上一点儿糖霜就大功告成了! 

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