🌱Backyard Omelette 🥚

Growing Your Own Food and Cooking From Scratch

Backyard Spinach, Collards, Kale, Chard, and Beets

We eat a lot of greens! Dark green leafy vegetables are an essential part of a balanced diet, which feed the microbial ecosystem that live in our digestive system. Greens also provide chemicals that give us healthy skin and protect us from harmful radiation from the sun.

The denizens living in our GI track digest our food and give us the right kind of chemical balance to support our infrastructure and software. Without healthy gut bacteria animals sicken, go crazy, and die from opportunistic diseases that take advantage of a weakened immune system.

I let grass grow in between my rows because the dirt here in Oklahoma is sandy, which washes away easily. The grasses roots also help support the mbcrobial life in dirt, which is linked to our gut flora and fauna. Healthy dirt, healthy plants, healthy gut, healthy humans!

Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance

Easter Egger Heritage Hen Named Rag-A-Muffin

We have 6 hens, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Sex Links, 2 Easter Eggers. Heritage chickens were bred for hardiness and either meat or egg laying abilities. Some heritage breeds are both meat and egg layers, they are called dual purpose chickens.

Before we had stores to buy our food, chickens were in everyone's backyard. If you don't wash the eggs, you can store them in a cool room for up to a month without fridgeration.

Washing eggs, besides lightly wiping away dirt and feathers, removes a natural bacteria barrier, which keeps the contents disease free, protecting the developing chick.

What does Heritage livestock mean? Our global heritage livestock and seeds are going extinct from factory farming. Causing the hungry masses to become dependent on the State and huge monster corporations and NGOs.

Backyard Spinach and Potato Farmers Omlette

Spinach Straight From The Garden

I soak my garden greens in water with a tablespoon of salt for 15 minutes. The salt kills bugs and soaking loosens up the dirt. I rinse three times to make sure the greens are completely cleaned.

I've added my greens to sautéed onions and diced steak from last nights dinner. I add the Spinach last because it takes just a little heat to cook.

Fresh Eggs Layed By My Hens

Fresh home grown eggs have a different look and taste when compared to factory farmed eggs. Backyard chickens aren't crammed into little cages, fed food they cannot digest, given antibiotic because their food and living conditions make them sick.

With factory farmed eggs you get light yellow yolks plus all the chemicals in the chickens food and medicine. Free range chickens lay eggs with bright colored yolks and a strong egg taste, minus the chemicals and antibiotics, which kill of the chickens and our gut flora and fauna.

Crack open 3 eggs for each person being served. Blend yolk and whites until smooth set aside

Sautéed Steak and Onions

A little trick I use to make stainless steel pans nonstick. Heat up your stainless steel pan until hot enough to cause a water droplet to pop. Add fat that takes high heat like coconut oil or lard. Heating the pan and then adding fat to the hot metal changes the structure of the metal, giving it a non stick surface.


Farmers Omelette Covered With Cheddar Cheese

Season with salt, pepper and your choice of seasonings.

I cook on medium high gas.

Once the steak and onions have been sautéed, the onions will look translucent, add your left over veggies, noodles, or potatoes. I used potatoes, add your spinach. Once spinach wilts add your beaten eggs.

Stir all the ingredients up and let sit. Once every few minutes use a spoon to lift cooked egg mix so that the uncooked mix drains to the bottom. Once the mix is firm, five minutes or more, turn off heat.

Add your cheese and place a lid on your pan. Let the mix sit for 5 minutes and serve.

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