HOW TO COOK A DELICIOUS MUSHROOM SOUP (Step-by-step guide with original pictures)

Hi steemers and steemians!

Some of my friends here wondered what I did with the mushrooms from my latest hunting. So, I’m answering with this post! I had mushroom soup (with delicious penny buns) and fried mushrooms with onions.

This time I wanted to share a recipe of mushroom soup. It’s healthy, fairly easy to cook and while usually we do it here with the best fresh (or defrosted) penny bun mushrooms (another name is cep or porcini), it can be even more delicious with dried penny buns. No big deal for a real mushroom lover to cook a soup using this recipe, if there are no penny buns (even dried) out there. Basically you can use any edible mushrooms (correct me, if I’m wrong please, because there might be some exceptions).

Preparing the ingredients:

So, for this soup we will need mushrooms, potatoes, a carrot, an onion, one garlic, parsley (and/or other greens), pepper, and lots of water:

Penny buns (cep, boletus edulis, or porcini) – 0,5 kg (~1 lb), or 5-7 shrooms depending on size.

Potatoes – 0,5 kg (~1 lb), one carrot, one onion and one garlic (grated here below)

Processing the ingredients:

Clean mushrooms thoroughly and chop them:

Peel potatoes, rinse and chop:

An onion and a carrot chopped below:

Now, put chopped mushrooms into a deep cooking pan (saucepan) with 2.5-3 litres of water and boil them for 20-25 minutes:

Add chopped carrot, onion and garlic to boiling mushrooms and cook for another 20 minutes.
Then, put chopped potatoes into the soup and cook until potatoes ready (10-15 minutes).

Add salt and pepper in the end. Also you might want to add some grated greens.

Serve, while it’s hot and add some more grated greens on top to your liking.

Thank you for all upvotes and comments!
Cheers and happy cooking!

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