How to cook delicious tuna steaks fast and easy

To do tuna steaks right they need to be cut pretty thick (2-3 cm or ~1 in). If they (evil people) cut the steaks thinly, I wouldn’t advise you to buy them. When I was vacationing in Alicante (Spain) this year this was a real issue, because they would preliminary cut for packaging virtually everything extremely thinly (up to 1 cm or 0.4 in) in both supermarkets nearby. If you know what’s the purpose of cutting the steaks that much thinly I would gladly read your comments.

So, the first we need really thick tuna steaks. Apparently tuna should be fresh, otherwise no go (sic!). Next, you will need a big frying pan/grill pan/grill and prepare a marinade:
2 Tbsp (30 ml) olive oil;
2 Tbsp (30 ml) soy sauce;
1 Tbsp (15 ml) brown sugar (You may want it or no, depends on your preference);
1/4 tsp (1.25 ml) garlic powder (Personally I prefer it without garlic, so this component depends on you–this one was from the pro chiefs as well as brown sugar).
Mix the marinade ingredients above in a bowl. Put the steaks to a large bowl or better use a plastic bag with ready marinade.
The marinating step is optional. If you have a grill at home you may want to cook tuna steaks marinated with olive, lemon juice and herbs (I’m adding salt generously too).
You can skip the marinade step and simply brush the tuna steaks with olive oil, lemon juice, and fresh herbs before cooking it. However, it would taste better after marinating, but this really depends on your taste, so you may want to try it both ways. When I was in luxury 5-star ultra all-inclusive hotel in Turkey years ago one time they had a really big tuna cut, fresh grilled and served in some hours just before your eyes–that was awesome show too I shall add here.
Let’s proceed! Add some oil (like olive or another kind, 2-3 tablespoons) to your frying pan (no need to add oil to grill pan/grill) and make sure to heat the oil much. Put the steaks into pan, when it’s hot enough to sizzle them from one side and turn them over in approximately 5 minutes. The fish is done when you can 'flake' it easily with a fork. It should be done when it looks as such outside, but some pinkish left inside.
Have a great time! Enjoy your meal ;D