Since I’m out of mushrooms already (and no rains here lately), I thought it’s a good idea to share with you another great recipe of steamed dumplings with strawberries. Actually this post was inspired by the latest post of @mibenkito (although these were the dumplings with meat), but since I usually prefer meat bbq in summer, so wanted something different this time.

Any kinds of dumplings are delicious for me: dumplings with cherries, cottage cheese, even potatoes (extremely yammy), but that time we had lots of home grown strawberries and needed to do something with them. But for this recipe you can take virtually any fillings like meat or vegetables.

Steamed dumplings are actually quite easy to make and very tasty!

Ingredients (enough for a big family)

For the dough:

  • 500 ml of kefir (sour milk) or yogurt;
  • fine wheat flour – up to 1 kg (2 lb approx);
  • 1 table spoon of soda;
  • 1 table spoon of sugar;
  • 1 tea spoon of salt;

For the filling:

  • fresh strawberries 0.5 kg or more, up to a kilo (~1-2 lb);
  • sugar.

Preparation (fun and easy, but takes some time)

Mix kefir of sour milk or yogurt with salt, sugar, and soda. Stir thoroughly and gradually add wheat flour to make the dough. The dough should be soft, so better add less wheat flour then more.

Smooth and roll out the dough (around 5 mm thick), use a cookie cutter or simply a glass to cut out dough rounds.

Put filling on dough rounds, add sugar and wrap them (roll and seal). Put aside on a surface with some flour scattered and repeat. Much fun, if you have kids–they will gladly help you with the dumplings (if they don’t want to then something went wrong.)

Cooking (very quick and easy)

To cook the dumplings use special steaming pan or steaming rack with a pan (or anything alike) with boiling water and cover them while cooking.

It’s enough to cook each portion for 3 minutes.

Take the dumplings out and enjoy!
Serve with your preferred toppings, I love it with sour cream, but it's a good idea to try hot chocolate or anything else to your liking.
Please feel free to ask, you have any questions.

Thank you for all upvotes and comments!
Cheers and happy cooking!

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