Steemit Food Challenge #3 - Dessert "Strawberry sky" [original image]

"Strawberry sky" by @rkpl :-)


Fruits play a very important role in human nutrition. They are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Fruits contain antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E, flavonoids, which removes free radicals generated in the body during smoking, stress, inflammation and exposure to environmental pollutants. Fruits are also a source of beneficial fatty acids that can regenerate and rejuvenate the skin. Fresh fruit, fruit juices and dried fruits should be included in the menu every day.

Bowl for dessert

Here we will not write much :)

Ice cream - one creamy ball, second ball of coffee (delicious coffee)...

The Chinese invented the ice cream approx. 5,000 years ago ... Fruit then crushed and fed in bowls with a broken ice. However, the progress of civilization, and here took place, and therefore approx. 2 000 years BC China invented the pulp resulting from the cooked rice and milk when added to the fruit and spices you can add to the snow and freeze it. And so it was created a substitute of real ice cream.

Coconut shrims...

Coconut is a nut, whose health benefits are appreciated not only by his fans but also by scientists. No wonder - the flesh of a coconut, which is white and fleshy lining hard shell walnut is rich in fiber, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as folic acid.

Fresh chocolate chips straight from the mill...

Delicate chocolate chips enhance the appearance and taste of many sweets prepared at home. They can transform even the most ordinary dessert. Just sprinkle them eg. Pre-decorated with whipped cream, jelly or ice cream dish and immediately gain a new face.

Grains of Lycium barbarum...

Goji berry is a fruit, the activity and therapeutic properties are used in natural medicine of Asian countries over 2500 years. Recommended feature in the treatment of rheumatism, and with a decrease in immunity. A diet enriched in these fruits is also help regulate heart rate, blood pressure, and cholesterol and sugar. Not surprisingly, the goji berries are called red diamonds East and among the superfoods, or "super foods".

Time for berries and sunflower seeds...

Small, inconspicuous sunflower seeds are rich in amino acids and fatty acids. Sunflower is also a source of vitamins. First of all, vitamin E, vitamin B and A and D. Munching sunflower supply the body with valuable antioxidants so, we support our vision, we strengthen bones and take care of your complexion...

Berries can be found in almost every forest. When summer ripen on their blue-black fruits are clearly visible both on the sunny glades, and in the shadowy corners of the forest. You do not need a lot of effort to collect their full jug.

Add one roll of vanilla ice cream and coffee :)

Sprinkle with cocoa and grains...

The health benefits of cocoa has already appreciated by the Mayans and Aztecs. Not surprisingly, cocoa has unique nutritional value. First of all, it is a treasure trove of antioxidants, which prevent many diseases, as well as substances that soothe, improve mood and increase sexual desire :)))))

Cocoa powder is ground cacao seeds of fruit trees growing wild in the rainforests of northern South America and Central America.

We start decorating... whipped cream, seeds lycium barbarum and to grind black chocolate...

Whipped cream - cream or cream, usually comprising more than 30% fat, aerated.

Chocolate icing...

Margarine, cocoa and cukierr Melt in a saucepan over low heat still mieszając- not cook. We leave to cool. After cooling sticks in icing raw egg and mix well so that the coating had become shiny. Pour on the cold cake and leave.

You can also buy ready-made chocolate coating at the grocery store.

Add on top of strawberry... even in the kitchen :)

Strawberries are very popular. It should tuck them not only because of the sensational taste, but also beneficial to health. List of medicinal properties of strawberries is long - reduce the risk of heart disease, odkwaszają, slimming, protect against cancer ..

It was obtained in Europe by crossing originating from eastern North America with Chilean strawberries wirginijskiej, which was made in 1712. Cultivated because of its edible fruit, in the conditions of Central special and temporarily go wild...

Time to move to the dessert his wife to try to ... where we add even kiwi and blackberries for dessert variety of colors...

Kiwi, that is, the fruit of Actinidia, born in the valley of the Yangtze River in northern China, and originally called the Chinese gooseberry. It gained its present name officially only in 1974. All through the Norman SONDAG - American importer of kiwi. He noted that the fruit resembles the New Zealand kiwi bird, which is also rounded, brown and hairy.

Blackberry has many health-promoting properties. Thanks to the compactness of powerful antioxidants, which are inhibitors of carcinogens, are one of the main elements of the anti-cancer diet. Blackberries are a major source of fiber, which reduces the absorption of unhealthy fats, thus reducing the risk of heart disease. Besides, they accelerate metabolism, making them a desirable component of dieting.

Final. Bon Appetit :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

...and the finale? washing :)

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