STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #32 : Mediterranean Outdoors Grande Bouffe with bikini bottom burger !!

Four delicious dishes, refreshing, full of colors, taste and aroma summer recipes to enjoy outdoors!!
They are perfect for picnics, portable, healthy savory and sweet snacks, with flavors of the Mediterranean.
Ideal for sunshine summer days !!Pack your basket and enjoy these beautiful days by eating outside!

For starter we have watermelon salad with feta cheese , it is a strange combination but you gonna love it ! main dish is pizza with figs & anthotyro cheese , bikini bottom burger (top secret recipe 🤔 will reveal it if the audience demand it 🙃 ) and for dessert pasteli with chocolate !

Enjoying the bikini bottom burger



Watermelon salad with feta cheese



• watermelon, cut into small cubes
• feta cheese, cut into small cubes
• mojito leafs
• garden rocket leafs
• parsley leafs
• olive oil
• black sesame seeds
• flower sea salt
• pepper
• fig syrup



• cut the watermelon and feta into pieces
• add the mojito leafs, rocket and parsley leafs
• sprinkle toasted black sesame seeds and drizzle with olive oil and fig syrup
• add salt and pepper
• the salad is ready!


Pizza with figs and athotyro cheese


Ingredients for the crust

• 1 cup tapioca flour
• ½ cup coconut flour
• pinch of salt
• ½ cup hot water
• ½ cup olive oil
• 1 egg

for filling

• 300g anthotyro cheese
• figs
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• salt
• honey


• preheat oven to 200*C( 400 F)
• mix the flours and salt in a bowl
• add olive oil, water and egg
• mix until all of the ingredients are completely combined
• transfer the dough to a baking pan with a sheet of parchment
• bake for about 10 minutes
• remove the pizza crust from the oven
• add the filling: anthotyro cheese, olive oil, salt and figs
• bake for about 10 minutes more, until golden
• when ready, remove from oven and sprinkle honey on top


Pasteli with chocolate



• 200g sesame seeds
• 100g dark chocolate couverture
• 50g almonds
• 50g peanuts
• pinch of salt
• 300g honey



• toast almonds in a pan over high heat, until golden
• toast peanuts, until golden
• toast sesame seeds, until golden
• combine them in a bowl
• in the same pan heat honey
• add the toasted nuts and sesame seeds
• add salt and cook for about 10 minutes, over medium to low heat
• remove from the heat
• add the chocolate, chopped and stir with a wooden spoon, until the chocolate melts
• spread into a baking pan, lined with parchment paper and allow to cool
• when ready, cut into pieces



SCC Credits:
@woman-onthe-wing do i have to say it again ?? Yes !! Thank you for putting the pieces together and make this happen once more! also for big thanks and respects goes to SCC sponsors @smooth , @sirwinchester & @englishtchrivy!
You think i forgot our this week judge ? No no no ! Thank you @rebeccaryan for the great topic you choose & sorry for the torture will have to pass judging all these amazing entrys !
I also wanna to say a big thanks to @mariandavp for the awesome T-shirt !

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