My Favourite Local Bakery! 😊 WHERE?! 😱 My Daily Singapore life #2

Hey fellow Steemians!

My apologies first for being less active this few days. If you have followed my previous few posts, I actually recently found out my spine wasn't doing so well, and that caused me to be unable to walk or stand straight since Saturday. I'm in the process of recuperating, so I've mainly been resting my back and lying down this couple of days. Even while writing this post sitting down, I have to try to get off my seat every 20 minutes just to make myself more nimble and stretch out my back a little. I'll talk more about my treatment procedure and some changes to my lifestyle in another post next week!

For now, let's get back to some interesting aspects of my Daily life in Singapore!
Part 2, Let's go! 😊

My daily singapore life #2.png

Today I will be sharing with everyone my favourite Bakery in Singapore! Yamazaki!

The full name of this Bakery is Yamazaki Boulangerie Chaude (which I only found out when researching :X)


I found out about this bakery around 4-5 years back in the West part of Singapore, and was first attracted by their free samples whenever I passed by the bakery. But at that time, I did not really patronise them, and just went there with my friends for the free samples oooops.

Thereafter, I often frequented the East side of Singapore and realised that one of the malls I often visit, Eastpoint in Simei, had this Bakery as well! It was 2 years back and I recall that they had a special offer at the time for their buns, and it was a great bargain, so I grabbed about 5 of them and paid at the cashier. The buns were really tasty, so I became a regular customer

But, as fate would have it, after I came back from a holiday, the bakery was gone! It was replaced by another shop, and I was really sad I could not get to buy my favourite buns anymore from somewhere near. Moreover, to add salt to the wound, the shop was replaced by a brand I did not really like.

Fast forward to today, I realised that some of the outlets were still in operation, and there was one not too far away, at Tampines, also in the East of Singapore, and the photos here are all of this outlet. I would go as far to say that the only buns I buy are from Yamazaki Bakery. I hardly and almost never buy products from other bakeries in Singapore anymore.

Let me show you some photos of the interior of the shop!

(the cake selection here at Yamazaki)

(bread and loaves)

(bite sized savouries)

Maybe I had a leaning bias towards this bakery due to its Japanese name, but overall the quality is what kept me a loyal customer. I do not think that they are related to the Yamazaki chain in Japan (which I will talk about in my Japan travel posts!), and more likely that they are related to some local bakeries in Singapore. I suspect that they have some sort of relationship with the Four Leaves bakery chain in Singapore, maybe in terms of suppliers, or parent company (just a hunch).

Here is a picture of my to-go bun each time I visit!

(spot that chocolate one)20180125_183209.jpg

(YES this one!!)

I really like this choco horn, it's filled to the brim with chocolate and when you eat it everything just oozes out! It has an alternate flavour called cream horn filled with custard cream instead! They're both really good.

The price range of the buns here are around SGD$1.50 to $2.50, and I often just spend under $5 when I visit here. I have yet to try the cakes yet, but they look pretty delicious too!

So if you do visit Singapore and want to try out my recommendation, head to Jcube mall in the west of Singapore, or Tampines One mall in the East of Singapore to check out Yamazaki Bakery! 😊

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