A Prepper Cook-Off Challenge!!!! I'm making Smoked Oysters in Rice with Sweet Potato!

I haven't done a challenge in a long long time, we've been so busy building a homestead from the ground up, not having electricity, running water or any Machinery of any kind. It's been a long few weeks so far but it's been fun!!! I have posted on the few things here and there documenting what we're doing, if you're interested go to @SenorCoconut...


So it's time for break! I'd like to write about something else which was brought to my attention by @CanadianRenegade. Please go and check out their challenge, even if it's only to read the great storyline they've come up with for this Prepper Cook-Off Challenge... it's SO GOOD!

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The story continues here:

...This house left us a nice little bag of rice, down in the cellar was this lonely sweet potato and we were starving. We grabbed our last can of food which we'd been saving for a special occasion.


Yes yes, it is a can of smoked oysters. Nothing better for the End of Days and New Beginnings yes? We're feeling safe here in the woods away from the main road, only once in a while we hear a few bikes roaring passed, and it does give us the chills, but so far they're staying on the paved road... We will be cooking outside as there is a barbecue and stove top, with a tank of gas that seems nearly half full. Hopefully the smells of what we're about to make doesn't attract anyone we don't want to meet.

We'll take the chance... it's so nice outside!

So I really wanted to give you all a completely off-grid experience for this one, building a quick rocket stove in the ground and all that but I actually was starving...

Building this homestead from the ground up is a lot of work. It is fun but very time consuming, and I am still working out the kinks in managing my time. So maybe next time we'll do a proper Off-Grid/Zombie Apocalypse Cook-Off!

On to Cooking Now!



First I cut the potato in half, I'm thinking it will cook on the grill faster this way.


Making this up as we go... I have no idea what will come of this meal just yet! But these are the spices we grabed from our bug out bags: Salt, Pepper, Herbs de Provence, coriander and cumin... the essentials, yes?

As I cut the potato, I realize how dirty my hands are and luckily, I find some water in a five gallon bucket with a spicket, sitting by the outdoor kitchen! It looks clean, no foul odors and so I make the dicision to cook the rice with it too... but first I'm washing my hands!




The rice has been started with your usual 2 to 1 ratio (water to rice).


As soon as it boils I will cover and simmer for 30 minutes.

Now that the rice has started doing it's thing, I'm just going to put the potato halves right on the grill, close it and let it be a while, flip them and wait.


As these two ingretients have been put on auto pilot for a short while, I'm going to walk the perimeter of the property, just to put my mind at ease, making sure that no one's lurking around searching for trouble... We hear what sounds like a few bikes idling near the entrance of the woods, they're probably right on the path we took to find the house we're next to.

Fortunately, I get close enough witout making a sound and I can see that, all they're doing is taking a break from the hot sun, a couple of guys are smoking cigarettes... they're making jokes and laughing but I can feel that the best option here is to turn back, stop the cooking so the wonderdul smell of sweet potato, which is starting to find it's way out of the BBQ doesn't attract unwanted visitors!!!

I hurry back, as much as I can without making noise and nonchalantly put everything on pause. I don't want to create unwarranted panic!

At that moment, we hear some yelling coming from that same area, panic does spread through our group for a brief instant and we hear the four motorcycles leave in a hurry!

Safe again, lets COOK!!!! Soon we will eat...

After some time I flip the potatoes, wait about 15 minutes so I can turn off the grill.

While the rice still has just a few minutes to go, I decide to open our can of oysters and fry them up in their own oil, there's a Wok!!!


A little outdated... but it'll do!



Ok so now we're getting really hungry! The potato is ready but the rice isn't cooked all the way... ok I'm adding it to the wok with the oysters. Let's stir fry!!!.

At this point I'm ready for spices:

  • A dash of salt and pepper
  • One tea spoon of coriander
  • One tea spoon of herbs de provence


Stir it all up, make it jump out of the pan and fall back in a few times. This is fun, but I also forgot to turn off the grill and now the sweet potato is very well done! Ok, mashed potato it is than.

I'm just so hungry, I'm mashing the potato with a knife! Whatever works... this is the apocalypse right?


We've gone this far we might as well keep going...

I'm intent on making this odd dish at least look pretty, 'cause no one knows how this will taste and people in my group of 3 aren't looking too thrilled to try what I've concocted.


Still with the knife, shaping the rice and the mashed potatoes. I could have used a bowl to pack it in and flip it over onto the plate but I was in a hurry to feed us.

And Voilà:


I sprinkled cumin, pepper and herbs de provence on the plate, for decoration. Than of course (and I know we're not supposed to use fresh anything) I couldn't help myself, I harvested some purple clover flowers that are growing all over the place in this area, for a splash of color... and a sweet treat at the end of our meal 😁!

I surprized myself, this meal was delicious! Thank you @CanadianRenegade for the fun I had making the dish and writing about it.


ooh... A little cross eyed proof-of-me, LOL

And now, those pesky motorcycles are back and actually coming our way. Quick everyone, pick up your things, this isn't a drill and lets get the heck out of dodge!!!!

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I am a proud passenger of the @EcoTrain, have a look at what other passengers have to say...

Thank You and Untill Next Time...

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If you really want to know what is inside this Coconut, take a look at my Humans Of Steemit.

QUOTE OF THE MONTH @Eco-Alex, Driver of the #EcoTrain:
"Supporting People who make this world a better place!"
(If you want a quote of yours posted here for a month please contact me)

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