🍜 Let’s eat RAMEN together 👅 Shirlam the Foodie || 吃貨 Shirlam 👅 週末一起去吃拉麵吧!

It was quite a hectic week last week. I decided to treat myself better with the Bari-Uma Ramen in Hong Kong Tsim Sha Tsui!  

上週連續加班,可謂 “身心俱疲” (好啦,此處我用的是誇張手法,嘿嘿),所以週末要吃好一點😍這是在香港尖沙咀的一所拉麵店 ─ Bari-Uma 廣島霸嗎拉麵,一直也很想試試。 

門口寫著 (我只看懂了) “最強濃厚醬油” 。 

It is all in Japanese style, with the lanterns and Japanese characters  


There are two types of soup for the Ramen: chicken soup (lighter) and soy sauce soup (heavier). You can order the spicy element for both soups and add some more ingredients and snacks such as dumplings.   

拉麵主要有兩款湯底,雞味白湯 (較淡) 和醬油湯 (較濃),兩款也可以配辛辣湯,還可以追加配料和小食,像餃子。(這才發現原來 “味玉”就是蛋的意思。)   

Little explanation on Japanese words: 日語小知識 

  1. Ajitama  meansseasoned soft-boiled eggs         Ajitama  指的是  味玉 - 溏心蛋   
  2. Uma  means  pork     Uma  指的是豚肉   
  3. Tori  means  chicken           Tori  指的是雞肉      

And…… we ordered:  進入主題!於是我們點了︰

Ajitama-uma (Pork Ramen with soft-boiled egg) 


Tori-ajitama (Chicken Ramen with soft-boiled egg) 


Let’s dig in!!!!!!!!! 開動!!!!!!!!! 

(I have to thank @nicolemoker for teaching me to create this GIF!!! 💖 If you want to make a GIF, go check out her post!)

(要感謝 @nicolemoker 教會我做GIF哦!!! 😎如果你也想學做GIF,去看她的帖子吧! ) 

My little thoughts

  • The chicken and soy sauce soup are both very tasty. The chicken soup Ramen is heavier and saltier than I thought before  
  • Yet the soup is still too oily for me. Actually we can choose “less oil” haha just that we did not pay much attention to it 
  • I love the relatively big portion of the ingredients inside the Ramen 
  • The portion of pork is a bit too little for me. My friends call me a “Carnivore” because I love eating meat so much haha 
  • I really love the soft-boiled egg, which I cannot make one at home (Maybe next time I should start a “soft-boiled egg experiment” at home and share it with you guys!)     


  • 雞湯和醬油湯的湯底都很惹味,我看雞湯沒有色以為會很淡,但也很挺有雞湯的味。 
  • 但湯還是有點油膩,但其實可以挑"少油"的,是我沒有注意啦 (哭) 
  • 它的配料十足,有筍、葱等等 
  • 稍嫌灸燒豚肉味玉拉麵的豚肉比較少,可能因為我是"食肉獸"的緣故 
  • 溏心蛋是我最欣賞的,家裡好像煮不到 (也許下次做一個溏心蛋實驗,在家也試一下)

As a non-professional foodie, I will give the Ramen 8 out of 10!!!! 

作為一個業餘吃貨,平常甚麼都可以放進肚子裡的,我會給它 8/10 ,飽了! ✌  

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