How to make Meat with young jackfruit that delicious

Hello all...!!!

Today I want to share recipe with you : How to make Meat with young jackfruit that delicious

This food looks simple, but it feels very delicious

You want to try it, Here are the ingredients and how to cook


the main ingredient :

  • 400 grams of Meat
  • 250 grams young jackfruit (small pieces)
  • 1 liter coconut milk
  • 2 piece of lemongrass
  • 15 curry leaves
  • 3 cm cinnamon
  • 2 grains of cardamom
  • 50 gram cooking oil
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • Flavoring to taste

Ingredients are mashed :

  • 30 cayenne pepper
  • 10 red chili
  • 7 cloves Shallot
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 1 tablespoon pepper powder
  • 5 clove (roasted)
  • 1 tablespoon coriander powder  (roasted)
  • 1/2 tablespoon turmeric powder
  • 3 tablespoon 
  • 6 candlenut
  • 2 cm ginger

Ingredients are sliced :

  • 3 cloves Shallot
  • 3 cloves garlic

How to cultivate it :

  • cleaning  Meat then cut according to taste and rinse thoroughly
  • mix the spice paste together with meat
  • Set skillet
  • heat the oil
  • stir-fry until fragrant slices of material
  • enter lemongrass
  • enter curry leaves
  • enter cinnamon
  • enter cardamom
  • wait a minute while stirring
  • enter beef
  • enter young jackfruit
  • wait a minute while stirring
  • enter coconut milk
  • Add salt and flavorings to taste
  • Stir-stir
  • Cook until cooked
  • Finished

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