Back From A Steemit Christmas Supper club 10/12/2017

Hello Steemian so as you may know I was in hope to attend a Special Steemit Christmas supper club which was hosted by supercook @allasyummyfood

The problem was that it started to snow heavily and unfortunately public transport can get slowed down to almost a halt, well it already does on Sunday's anyway but it could of been worse by being put on hold due to the bad weather conditions.
Which did actually happen while I was on the train I started to get worried, but I was lucky it didn't effect me in anyway.

So while I left slightly late due to my Steemit addiction and some transport weather slowdown problems I still managed to get to the event in good time infact I thought I was late but @allasyummyfood gave us plenty of time to get there an settle in and of course meet some new Steemians.

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Images By @simonjay

The event I think was successful and worth the trip I learned alot and got to taste some fine food while doing so.

So yes as you can imagine I have now made it back home and I am very tired but still I was not the only one with a long hard day one Steemian finished a 20 hour shift and still made it and @allasyummyfood worked very hard in the kitchen preparing everybodies meals, good job Alla!

Anyway guys I will write a more detailed post on the event soon.


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-Steemit's Christmas Supper Club-


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