Mr. Gourmet And The Most Incredible Dessert Cafe In Barcelona (Ultimate Satisfaction Guaranteed!)


I've already mentioned how incredible the restaurants and food choices in Barcelona are.
There is so much variety of not only Spanish food (which I love), but also a lot of international restaurants and many quirky, individual Cafes and places to get amazing dessert.

Today, I want to share the ultimate dessert experience with you - this cafe is no joke, and perfect for anyone who has a sweet tooth!

(Attention: This post WILL make you hungry and crave something sweet! And it WILL make you want to fly to Barcelona and visit the cafe immediately!)



The cafe is called HOLLY'S ICE CREAM and is located on Carrer de la Canuda, a byroad from the popular main street La Rambla.

When I visited Barcelona with @mrs.steemit, @soldier, @vanylou and @agent, we stumbled upon this awesome cafe by total accident - and I am so glad we did!

The promotional posters outside of the cafe already get you.

Ice cream sandwiches? "Crazy Muffins"?
Crepes? Cakes? Brioxets?
Shakes? Waffles? Cakes?

What else could you ask for?!

As soon as you walk in, the incredible smell of freshly baked cookies and cakes already welcomes you.

Just look at their display of baked goods - muffins in dozens of different flavors, delicious cakes like chocolate- carrot- or cheesecake, and tons of different cookies!


If I had to describe this place with one word, it would be: mouthwatering.

And the second word: instagrammable!

The interior design is quirky and cute, and their dessert creations look absolutely delicious - this is exactly why the term "foodporn" was invented.
Their dishes are colorful, beautifully decorated, and offer interesting combinations of delicious sweets - I'm sure 90% of people take pictures (and maybe post them to social media) when ordering something here - it's just too pretty not to!

You think the display of baked goods was enough?

Wait till you walk inside and have a look at their incredibly diverse menu!



Sweet & Savory Crepes, Ice Cream Sandwiches, Waffles, Cookies, Shakes, Frappés, Smoothies... Pretty much every dessert you could ever want.

Now as you might have guessed, the only downside of this awesome place is that there is simply too much to choose from!

First, I ordered a New York Cheesecake.

It was one of the first things that had caught my attention in the cake display when walking in.
Cheesecake is one of my all time favorites, but I've tried many good and bad cheesecakes over time - not every style is the same!
This NY Cheesecake was incredibly creamy - so creamy that it almost stuck to the roof of your mouth.

It was definitely one of the best cheesecakes I've ever tried - so flavourful!


Next was something I've never tried or never even heard of before - but it became one of my favorites.

It's called a "Brioxet" - it's a piece of brioche bread (a very soft, sweet kind of bread from France) with ice cream in the middle.
The bread-ice cream-sandwich is then pressed and heated in a special machine.


The outcome: a sandwich that is hot and with slightly crispy, sweet dough from the outside, but with cold and melting ice cream in the middle!

It's a very rare combination, but absolutely delicious. The hot-and-cold mix is similar to that of fried ice cream, but this version is much less greasy and more sweet.

And don't forget that the ice cream isn't just your standard ice cream either - they have incredible flavours such as Cheesecake, Dulce de Leche, Kinder Bueno, Brownie and more!

If you ever come to holly's ice cream, or even to barcelona in general, you definitely have to try one of these brioxets!

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Lastly, (although I was already pretty stuffed) ordered a crepe.

I'm a big lover of crepes, and the ones here looked especially delicious so I definitely had to try one.

I went for a "strawberry cheesecake crepe" with fresh strawberries, strawberry jam and cream cheese!

First of all, I've never seen anyone make a crepe with so much love and dedication - the dough was perfectly soft and thin!
And the combination with the mellow cream cheese and fruity-sweet strawberry flavours was absolutely incredible.



This was definitely one of my favorite food places in Barcelona, and we decided to return several times during our trip.

It's not only the wide variety of their menu, and also the unique dishes that they offer - it's also the quality! Every single thing we tried was absolutely delicious!

If you ever come to Barcelona and you enjoy a good dessert, this place is an absolute MUST.

For someone like Mr. Gourmet, this is the perfect spot - he can have dessert at any time, whether that's breakfast, lunch or dinner!


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