Mr. Gourmet On A Funfair! šŸŽ”

A Funfair is always a great place to visit - while most people enjoy the rides and rollercoasters, Mr. Gourmet of course goes there for the FOOD!
Funfairs offer such a variety of different foods and sweets that you don't normally get, so it's always nice to try out something different.

Hamburg has a tri-annual funfair called "Hamburger DOM" which you can visit in the spring, summer and winter.

Take a look at all the colorful lights and decorations, as well as all the different rides and the ferris wheel!

First, I wanted to start with something hearty.

I'm a big fan of pizza bread / dough balls, so when I walked past this stand with freshly-baked "Kaminbrot" (fireside-bread), I just couldn't resist.
Essentially these were pockets made out of pizza dough, stuffed with marinara sauce, cheese, and ham/salami/olives/and more.
They came right out of the oven the combination of hearty marinara sauce, molten cheese and garlic dip was just perfect!


I don't usually like potato chips very much, but when I saw these freshly made ones I simply had to try them!

The potatoes are sliced and fried freshly, and then you can choose between a selection of different flavours and salts. I went for garlic-salt on my chips, which were still warm - they were sliced perfectly thin, and so much better than anything store-bought!

Next, I spotted this stand offering some delicious-looking mini-pizzas, garlic baguettes and stuffed pita breads.

There was such a wide variety that it took me a few minutes to decide which one I actually wanted to try!
In the end, I went for the classic garlic baguette with cheese, as well as a pita bread topped with camembert cheese and cranberry jam.
The combination between camembert and cranberries is just awesome - sweet and salty, hearty and fruity, but yet it goes so well together!

Then, it was finally time for something sweet!

Look at all the different sweets that these stands offer... this is truly sweets galore!
Gingerbread hearts with various different sayings on it, gummy sweets, candied apples, chocolate covered fruits, caramelized nuts.. there's something for everybody!
I actually went for some caramelized Macadamia nuts as well as some white chocolate-covered strawberries on a stick - but to be honest, they were gone so quickly that I couldn't even take a picture of them!
The chocolate-covered strawberries are one of my favourites and I get them almost every time when I visit a funfair.
As for the nuts, you usually only see caramelized almonds - but since I like Macadamias by themselves a lot, I knew that I just had to try these ones! They were perfectly crispy and sweet from the outside, while the nut itseld was almost "juicy" due to the high content in (healthy!) fats.

I have saved the best for last...

When I walked past this stand offering CHURROS, I knew I just couldn't resist, although I was already very stuffed.
Usually, Churros get served with chocolate sauce - but this stand was different.
First, you can choose in which type of sugar you want your Churros to be covered (regular, vanilla sugar or cinammon sugar).
Next, they offered a variety of different sauces like caramel, nutella, strawberry, white chocolate, dark chocolate, vanilla and more.
And then, you could choose between countless different toppings! But not just "normal" ones like Chocolate chips and nuts, but also Oreos, Kinder Chocolate, Ferrero Rocher, nut brittle and so many more European sweets.
I had a really hard time choosing which sauces and toppings I wanted - but I decided not to go for classic chocolate but something more unique instead.

Churros covered in vanilla sugar, topped with white chocolate and Raffaelo!

For those of you that don't know: Raffaello is a European sweet, similar to a white chocolate version of ferrero rocher, with white chocolate cream and an almond inside, and covered with coconut flakes from the outside.

So basically, what I had created was a white chocolate-vanilla-coconut DELIGHT!

The churros were made freshly, and the combination with vanilla and white chocolate was just everything you could ever ask for.

This was easily the highlight of the night and the best dish I had at the funfair!

After all of this delicious food, I went home stuffed but still dreaming of the Churros.

What's your favorite part of a funfair?

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