Mr. Gourmet On The Hunt For Truffle Fries!

French Cuisine is one of the most well-known in the world - from exclusive wine and cheese to hearty meat and exquisite desserts, there's something for everybody!

There's a restaurant in my town that merges french with american kitchen: their menu offers different specialities from both countries.

And there was one thing on their menu that I was craving in particular: Truffle fries.
Truffle fries are the ultimate form of french fries for me - I just love the delicate truffle note in anything!

So after our metting me, @mrs.steemit , @sandroieva and @agent decided to have dinner there.
It was quite crowded so we had to wait a while, and used that time to finish up some more work.

Then, finally, the food arrived!


First things first: of course I ordered the truffle fries!

We even got 3 portions to share between 4 people because any less wouldn't have been enough.
The truffle fries came with homemade truffle-infused mayonnaise - the combination between the two was just perfect.
It's very hard to describe the flavour of truffle, but if you've ever tasted it you'll know exactly why I enjoy it so much!



For my main dish, I wanted to go for something different - something I don't usually eat often.

So I ordered a delicious Flank Steak.
The meat was perfectly tender, slightly juicy and pink from the inside!
Since the meat was freshly grilled, there was also a distinct flavour of smokeyness from the barbeque.

Like I said, I very rarely eat a piece of meat like this - but from time to time, it can be quite a nice change!
And especially with the truffle fries as a side, it was a perfect combination!

We also had some Mac 'n Cheese (clearly representing the American Kitchen) and a Caesar's Salad with Avocado.

The Mac 'n Cheese was cheesy-creamy goodness - the perfect comfort food!
And of course the Caesar's Salad was nice and light, you just can't go wrong with Avocado, Parmesan and Caesar Dressing on a Salad!



The truffle fries with the truffle mayo were still my favorite part of the meal.

We finished our food and were unfortunately too full to order any dessert - we'll have to come back to try that.

Until next time!

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