Mr. Gourmet Tries The Best Tapas Dish Ever: Huevos Cabreados ("Broken Eggs" With Crispy Potato)


The Spanish cuisine offers some amazing dishes - ranging from fresh seafood to cured ham to stuffed olives to grilled meat and more.

But have you ever tried HUEVOS CABREADOS ?

If not, this post is about to make you very curious and hungry - and probably want to make you book a flight to Barcelona ASAP.

When I told my friends that I would be visiting Barcelona soon, one of my friends @ricardolopez (who is spanish himself and spends a lot of time in Barcelona) recommended to visit a certain Tapas Restaurant there: La Flauta.
I was actually there on my birthday and already shared a whole Mr. Gourmet Post about the Tapas at this amazing restaurant!

But anyway, one specific dish he told me to try was Huevos Cabreados.

In Spanish, this literally means "broken eggs" - and you're about to see why.

When I first visited the restaurant I had no clue what this dish was, but ordered it regardless due to the recommendation of my friend - and I didn't know that this would pretty much change my whole perception of potatoes and eggs!


Huevos Cabreados: Thinly sliced potato sticks, covered in a specific seasoning, topped with a half-boiled sunny side up egg which then gets mixed with the potatoes so that the gooey egg yolk spreads all over the potatoes.

The potatoes are very thin and crispy, and coated with paprika powder, garlic seasoning and probably some other herbs.
The egg on top is cooked perfectly - the egg yolk is nice and runny, while the egg white is just about solid.
When you combine the two together, you get a total explosion of flavours: egg yolk, potatoes, garlic, paprica.. everything together!

It's hard to explain this unique taste - I guess you really can't imagine how good this is unless you've tried it!

There are different versions of this dish - either plain, with Jamon Serrano (very flavourful, dried ham), or with pork fillet medaillons at the side.


Here you can see the version with Jamon Serrano.

As you can see, the dish arrives with the eggs on top normally, and then the waiter "breaks" them.
He is using very specific, fast movements and really takes his time to mix the egg thoroughly with the potatoes!
Although I already loved the regular (plain) version of this dish, the Serrano Ham added another level of awesomeness to it.

The ham is so salty and flavourful that it really takes the dish to another level!

When I returned to the Restaurant a few days later (yes, we came here and ate huevos cabreados multiple times - and to be honest I could eat it again right now!), I decided to try another variation with médaillons of pork fillets.

And this was definitely the right decision!

Every single dish at La Flauta has been amazing, so I wasn't surprised when the pork fillet medaillons were absolutely delicious as well.
The meat was perfectly tender, and didn't even need much seasoning because it was already so flavourful on its own!

This time, the waiter just handed me the huevos cabreados without mixing it for me.

So what did I do? Prepare it myself!



The kitchen manager, who was very friendly and had already chatted with us before, even came up to me and (jokingly) offered me his apron because I was mixing the dish like a real chef.

I guess I don't have to tell you that this version of the dish was even better than the regular one or the one with Jamon Serrano - the eggs-and-potatoes by themselves were already amazing, but paired with these fillets?

Mr Gourmet was in heaven!

If you ever visit Barcelona, you absolutely have to visit La Flauta at Carrer D'aribau 23 and try these huevos cabreados.
Believe me - you can't imagine the delicious flavour until you've tried it!

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