World's First Robotic Kitchen: This Robot Chef Can Prepare 2,000 Gourmet Dishes For You!

Who loves to cook? Probably quite a few of you.
But who likes to eat without having to cook yourself? Probably EVERYONE if the food still tastes good!

What sounds (And looks) like an absolute science fiction gadget has become a reality: Meet Moley, the world's first fully automatic kitchen robot.

It's essentially a pair of robotic arms that can prepare over 100 different dishes from chefs worldwide!
It sounds too good to be true: you simply select which dish you want from the wide variety, set out the ingredients, and then let the robot work its magic.
Moley even cleans up after himself!

Watch the commercial here:

"Moley Robotics has created the world's first fully-automated and intelligent cooking robot. It learns recipes, cooks them and clears up after itself! It can mimic the actions of a master chef precisely, bringing a variety of delicious dishes, cooked to world-class standards to the domestic kitchen and other food preparation areas. The system comprises a full suite of appliances, cabinetry, safety features, computing and robotics."

-Moley Robotics

This is the cooking process:

The user can select a dish based on the type of cuisine, calorie count, ingredients, dietary restricitions cooking method, chef, etc.
Then, he gets the pre-packaged containers of specifically measured, washed and cut ingredients that have been ordered through Moley.
The ingredients are being placed on the designated spots, and with a single tap on the "start" button, Moley begins to cook.


How does it work?

Moley isn't actually just a pair of arms, it's an all-inclusive automatic system consisting of all needed appliances, utensils, cabinets, and a specifically created motion capture system.
It uses 20 different motors in its hands, 129 sensors and 24 joints to imitate human hands as closely as possible
In order for Moley to recreate the dishes of famous chefs, they need to prepare it in front of him wearing special gloves with sensors on them.

The robotic motion capture system then records each movement of the chef, making it possible for you to enjoy recipes from master chefs like Gordon Ramsay or Anthony Bourdain at home.


Dishes from any chef in the world:

Moley Robotics CEO Mark Oleynik stated that the robot could "cook anything like a human chef in motion" - and clean up the kitchen surface afterwards.
Since Moley can basically recreate any downloadable recipe, it will even include a "share and sell" option where people can upload and sell their own recipes to other users.

One of the over 100 pre-installed recipes is Tim Anderson's crab bisque, a particularly difficult recipe that requires a lot of experience and finesse.

Even the chef himself prepared the soup 5 times until he got it just right with the motion capture system.
But still, Oleynik is positive that the robot Moley can recreate it without a problem.

"I ran through the recipe five times, and then the programmers and technicians took the motions that I made and chose the smoothest and cleanest ones and spliced them together, fine-tuned them. So now you have a robot that will repeat my exact movements in a controlled way, every single time. It took a few tries for the robot to perfect its bisque technique, it made a few mistakes at first - but all chefs do. Now it's more or less foolproof. It makes a great bisque every time."

-Celebrity Chef Tim Anderson

Moley the fully automatic kitchen robot will cost about $90,000, and shipping starts next year.

By that time, Oleynik stated that Moley will probably be able to cook up to 2,000 dishes.

I'm excited to see this robot in action and I'm sure Mr. Gourmet would like to try one of these dishes and compare it to the works of an actual human chef!

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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