Eating At Sushi-Ro - Highlights Of Traveling In Japan

One of our first dining experiences in Japan was at a restaurant called Sushi-Ro. As you might have guessed, they serve sushi!

Our friends Lara and John currently live in Japan and happily showed us the restaurant. They were also amazing hosts for a stint of our Asia journey.

The sushi is quite good and comes to you via a conveyor belt. Each table gets their own touch screen device to order specialty sushi from.

The restaurant also had convenient hot water dispensers at the table for your matcha green tea.☕

Sushi Pics!

American sushi is much different that Japanese sushi. In the US we have added our own flavors and variations. The Japanese focus on good rice and good fish. Their sushi is simple and delicious. 

My favorite sushi at Sushi-Ro was the smoked tuna, the crab salad, and the shrimp tempura roll.

The only roll I didn't eat was the rice and natto. Natto is fermented soybeans. We tried them one time in Japan. .  and it's not for us. . 

Here is what natto looks like: 

Image Source 

The overall scenery:

In conclusion, Sushi-Ro is a good, safe, and cost-effective dining option in Japan.

We ended up eating at Sushi-Ro several times during our more than 2 week stay in Japan. 

Michelle and I recently took a month to travel across Japan and China. It was epic! Follow me @slickwilly and Michelle @curiouser for posts about our adventures! 

  • All pictures are my own taken with a GS7 Edge or GoPro Hero 4. I release everything under CC0 unless otherwise stated.   

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