I Tried Mango Lassi For The First Time Today!

After our back workout today, Philip and I hit a local Indian restaurant called Taj of India. We typically workout in the evenings but we have been talking about trying their lunchtime buffet and we like to workout before a big meal.

I have no idea what I like when it comes to Indian cuisine. We never went to Indian restaurants growing up, so I have had it on my mind to try out different Indian dishes.

Today was a great success, and the mango lassi was on point. I tried all the dishes and had several helpings of malai kofta. Philip was describing to me the lassi drinks, which are yogurt based and we started talking about Kevin from The Office and his "chunky lemon milk":

Philip, @dickdeepdog was rocking his "Get Paid To Post" Steemit tank. (available via @bitcoinshirtz)

His trusty pup, GinGer joined us:

Hi there, I’m Will.  First and foremost I am an entrepreneur and voluntaryist.  I aspire to help build a more free world, one that we all want to live in.  Some of my biggest passions include cryptocurrencies, marketing, finance, cannabis, traveling, bodybuilding, snowboarding, motorcycles, and Subarus.  All pictures are my own unless otherwise stated.  I release everything under CC0.
My website: williamjohnsonlong.com  
Affiliated Steemit Accounts: @bitcoinshirtz @trueliberty   

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