Mom's Visit and Lunch in the Restaurant


My mom had visited me in this week.
Mom couldn’t visit my place due to some reason. As you know there were so many reasons in our daily life.
She had stayed for one week.
She needed to back home to prepare the ceremony for my daddy. 3 years have passed after my dad passed away.

In Korea, we hold an anniversary the day of death for the ancestors every year.
Next time I’d like post the anniversary for the ancestors.

As coming back to home, we planned to drop by Suwon city which was famous for the rib roast of beef.
It was a very large restaurant of 2 story building.
I was surprised.
I needed to wait for more than 30 minutes.
30 teams were waiting their turn 30 teams before us.

There were waiting room, so we waited for our turn.
In the waiting room, there were lots of people.

I took the photo of my mom there.


Outside of the waiting room, there was a nice looking fire box.

In the restaurant, people were having a meal.

Finally our turn, we ordered the roast of beef rib.

In korea, we roast the rib on the fire directly.
The fire system is prepared for guests to roast the meat by themselves.

Table was prepared.
It tasted not bad.
Mom satisfied with a lunch except the price.
She always asks me the price when I pay for.
So usually I tell her the reduced price.
But today, waitress showed her the bill.

Anyway it was nice lunch and my mom loved this moment of having a lunch with her kid.

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