America is a Flavour of Potatoe Chips

And 5 other unusual flavours China loves.

Yes here you have it American Classic Flavour the full embodiment of what you would expect the typical American to taste like. Salty and crispy. It is the exact same flavour we in North America call Regular.

Cucumber Flavour
Somehow made the potatoes taste even more boring. It tastes nothing like cucumber, more like water. Weird, worth the try though.

Italian Red Meat Flavor
I think it's suppose to taste like tomatoe and meat sauce. It's unusual to say the least.

Mexican Tomato Chicken Flavour
A very slight hint of tomato flavour, not like the ketchup flavour from North America. The strange undertone flavour must be some sort of chicken taste. Don't bring this to the party.

Yogurt Flavour
Well now this is interesting. I tried this last summer when it first came out. It's actually, in some strange way tastes like plain yogurt. Not my thing but I had to try it.

Seaweed Flavour
This one tastes just as you would expect. I like seaweed; might as well just eat that, tastes the same and is healthier.

Braised Pork Flavour
Can not compare it to any pork I have ever eaten anywhere. A very long time ago in Canada we briefly had a flavour called Poutine, like french fries, this tastes like that.

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