A n g e l i c a



135 gr panettone flour
14 gr fresh yeast
110 gr milk

Knead fast, cover with film and let it rise until doubling. For me an hour.

400 gr panettone flour
100 grams of sugar
3 fresh mediums
12 gr salt
Orange peel (my addiction)
From 100 gr to 130 gr. Of milk
140 gr soft Bavarian butter

150 gr of raisins
40 gr soft butter

Glaze (omitted)
200 grams of velvet sugar
3 tablespoons water

Soak the raisins

Start the dough with flour, sugar, yolks and salt, combine milk, for me 100 grams, but you have to adjust according to the flour you use.
Then join the butter, and the orange peel
When the dough is smooth and homogeneous, combine the yeast by kneading until it is absorbed.
Cover with damp cloth and raise until doubling.
For me about 2 hours.

Now resume the dough and spread it over a floured surface, forming a thin leaf rectangle of about 3 mm.

Brush well with the butter and sprinkle with well-crushed raisins.
Gently roll the dough on the long side and close the edges well.

With a sharp and floured knife, divide the roll of pasta in half keeping in mind that it does not crush it, twist the 2 strands so that the cut part remains outward.

Once wrapped, place the shape of a donut and place it on the lined plate plate of paper.

Let it rise in the oven off and close until doubling, for me another hour.

Then turn on the oven at 180 degrees and when it reaches the temperature boil for about 35/45 minutes.

Once baked to please veal with icing

Panettone flour can be replaced in the yeast by:
40 gr manitoba and 95 gr flour 00
And in the mix of 120 gr manitoba and 280 gr of flour 00
Pay attention to liquids !!!!

In the fard you can put:
100 gr of raisins
140 gr candied
Or just chocolate drops.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column