Miss Delicious #23 : The midnight snack crave!

Dear Steemit Friends:


China is a food heaven not least for it's wide variety of delicious and food delicacies, but in part, for it's convenience. Even though by popular lore, snacking at midnight is considered a some what unhealthy practice, we all have our midnight hungry stomach urges!

In China, girls who like eating spicy midnight snacks have their own nickname - hot girl! I'm not a hot girl, but I frequently get called out by my friends to go for a night time snack. Lets have a look at what we eat..

In China, we have a saying which is "No Spice, no joy". I can understand that many people enjoy spicy foods for their simulating effect, but when eating it so close to bed time, how are we suppose to sleep? I think spicy foods are probably best for night owls.

Below are some hot and numbing cold dishes:

Even bean sprouts can be spicy.



Cold spicy and numbing Boiled Eggs.


Cold spicy and numbing potatoes.


Cold spicy and numbing pig blood curd.


Cold spicy vegetables.


And below, the main feature!
This is actually a Sichuan kebab and hot pot restaurant. Usually, hotpots consist of a variety of meats and vegetables all put into the pot to boil, but this restaurant allows you to choose from this very large selection of kebab meats and vegetables. Simply choose whichever combinations you want, and put them into your basket. Once you've filled your basket with what you desire, just give it to the chef and he'll cook it for you!


This is a hot and numbing hotpot, if you look at the deep red soup base, you can get an idea of how spicy it is.


And this is the classic soup base. My preference is to cook the vegetables in the classic soup. People from Sichuan will still opt to cook their vegetables in the hot and numbing hotpot, but I like to have my vegetables taste lighter and less spicy.


Below are some tips on how to eat the Hot Peppers:

Iced pickle plum soup / drink can help to relieve spice. For people like me who are novice spice eaters, the drink is absolutely essential.


This is iced grass jelly. When I eat spicy foods, this is also a dish I always order. It's main purpose is to reduce the accumulation of internal heat. The main ingredient of this grass jelly is the genus mesona medicinal herb. It's usually served with shaved peanuts, honey and raisins. The taste is sweet and very refreshing, particularly after eating some really spicy foods. It kind of reminds me of the Guangdong Turtle Jelly herb, ideal for consumption in the hot summer months to help with coping with the heat.


I hope after seeing all these tasty spicy foods you've summoned the courage to go try it out! Are you guys spice lovers?

在中国,人们在10点之后,已经快到午夜的时间,喜欢去哪里吃夜宵。人们常把喜欢吃辣的女生叫辣妹子,不过我不是一个辣妹子,但是半夜的时候,我被朋友拉去吃夜宵,一起来看看我们吃的是什么吧?其实这是一家吃四川的串串香火锅的餐厅。它是一种特别的火锅, 一般是把肉和菜放进锅里煮,而串串香可以让你挑选你喜欢吃的肉和菜,数量也由你自己定。这个超级大的冰柜里有各种肉和菜,你可以任意选择然后放进自己的篮子里,交给厨师。

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