Miss. Delicious: The Moon Festival's secret menu. 中秋节食谱最佳搭配。

Dear friends, did you admire the full moon tonight? Credit to Here

Greetings Steemians ! Today I wish you all a very happy mid-autumn festival!
The Mid-Autumn festival is the night of the full moon that falls on the 15th day of the eight month in terms of the Han calendar. The festival is an opportunity for family and loved ones to gather and appreciate each other's company on this once a year occasion.

Mid-Autumn Festival Activities.

Steemit's mooncake

Lets take a look at the Mooncakes of the World

The Mid-Autumn Festival is popular in most oriental countries, and is celebrated by overseas Chinese all over the world.

Creative Mooncakes.

High Fashion Brand Mooncakes.

Introducing Mooncakes from my country (China)

My family usually likes the Hong Kong style Mooncakes because I grew up in Shenzhen and spent many years there being influenced by Hong Kong tastes. I like the thin 'skin' and big filling. Its also important that the cake looks glossy and the taste in the mouth is smooth. There are many kinds of fillings, for example, Fruit kernel, Coconut, Fruit and Vegetables fillings.

However, my absolutely favourite is the double yolk white lotus seed paste Mooncake. It has two duck yolks and tastes both salty and sweet at the same time, i'll never get bored of the taste.

Snow Skin Mooncake is another one of my favourites, they are quite different from regular Mooncakes. They are produced by Hong Kong's Tai-Pan company. Usually the skin is made from Syrup and the colour is golden yellow, however, the Snow Skin Mooncakes are made of glutinous rice. Most of them of white colour but there are many other colour options each with a different flavour. They must be kept cold when not being consumed. They're really good for eating in the summer as they keep your taste buds nice and cool, meanwhile its not sickeningly sweet.

Mooncakes with Crabs

The tradition of eating Crabs at Mid-Autmn Festival has been around for a long time, when we reach autumn, crabs produce the best crab roe. During this time of the season, eating "Sooks" (female crabs) are preferred for their crab roe. There is a very high nutritional content from consuming crabs, particularly protein. It's even better than eating Pork or Fish, but more expensive of course.

In my family we Steem the crabs so as not to override their taste with anything other than the natural taste. Does seeing their bright red colour make you hungry?

Eating crabs should be accompanied with drinking Mulled Rice Wine served warm. The sweet taste of the wine can increase the taste whilst the alcoholic content can help rid the crab of unwanted smells. Because crabs are 'cold-nature' (not temperature wise) they can cause unwanted stomach pain for people less suited to 'cold-nature' foods. The wine helps to stave off these unwanted side-effects. Credit to Here

Eating Crabs actually require a bit of skill. Those who know how to eat crabs very well can eat all the meat of the crab and then reconstruct the whole shell back together. Below, I'll show you what I just learned about how to break the shell open and eat the tasty crab roe and meat.

In the picture, the area's marked Green can be eaten, whilst the area's marked red should be left aside.

亲爱的Steemit朋友, Sweetsssj在今天这个特别的日子祝大家中秋节快乐啦! 中秋节前后是一年当中月亮最大最圆的时候,中秋节在中国传统文化里是团圆和幸福的象征,无论你来自哪个, 都祝福你家庭美满,生活幸福。






中秋节吃螃蟹的习俗其实由来已久,因为每年到了秋天,螃蟹会产生非常多膏和黄,中秋节是品尝母螃蟹的最佳时节。螃蟹的营养十分丰富,含有的蛋白质比猪肉、鱼肉都要高出几倍。 我家里的螃蟹是清蒸的,这样不会破坏螃蟹的原味,蒸吃来的鲜艳颜色有没有让你食欲大增呢? 吃螃蟹要配黄酒喝,黄酒的甜味儿可以增鲜,它的酒精可以除螃蟹的腥味。螃蟹属于寒性食物,我的胃比较虚寒,吃螃蟹有时候会胃痛,配着黄酒吃蟹, 可以消除不舒服的感觉。 吃蟹也是有讲究的,有经验的人吃完螃蟹还可以将碎壳拼回成一只整蟹。

If you are interested in my other blogs related to food please check out these other blogs below
Eating Oysters is all about the mood and feel..
The night bazaars of Xi'an - A walk through Hui Street.
Food Friday! Japanese foods help to refresh the taste buds in the mouth .
Summer is the time for BBQ'——a look at Xi'an's famous BBQ.
Swimming-with-the-crayfish .
A Chinese twist on Japanese Cuisine.
Girls have an appetite for pretty food or tasty food.

If you are interested in my other blogs related to Chinese Culture please check out these other blogs below
Unravelling the mysteries of Ancient Chinese Opera.
Impressions of China--Taking Steemians back to the Tang Dynasty.
Capturing the Spirit of the Uyghurs through Ink Wash Painting.

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