Travel with me #36: Reviewing Xiamen's brand new Wyndham Hotel.

Dear Steemit Friends:

Today, I'll be introducing my travels to Xiamen from last year. One of the highlights was the Hotel I stayed at which I covered briefly in a previous post, but today the hotel will be the focus of my post.

Wyndham Grand Hotel is located in Xiamen city's high-end business district and is also very close to the Xiangshan International Pier. It's also close to some other notable landmarks such as Huandao Rd, Marathon Road, and of course the beautiful seaside. The hotel is only 20 minutes away from the airport by car making it a very convenient. If you missed my previous post on this hotels Exterior and Food, feel free to revisit thathere.

Wyndham Grand Hotel:
ImgurNo.19 Lingshiguan Road, Siming District, Siming

How did I choose this hotel? That's a good question, and the answer is I actually didn't. I came to Xiamen to visit my friend and she suggested this hotel and proceeded to book it for me. Little did I know that this was a brand new hotel built in 2016, not only that, it's only a 500m walk away from my friends place.

As I walked into the 12m high landing foyer, I can't help but be dazzled by the amazing glistening crystal lights above. It was magnificent.

Corridoor leading to the rooms

As you open the door to your room, the curtains automatically allowing the bright and beautiful sunshine to welcome you to your room.

Lets take a look at the facilities in this room from this newly built hotel.
The first thing that me and my friend did as we settled in our room was to lie down on the bed for some rest.

The beside cabinet has this speaker device that allows you to play music from your phone as well charge it at the same time. Not only that, it's also an alarm and clock! Probably the most functional and useful gadget a frequent traveller would need!


Just above the bedside cabinet, there is a control panel offering an electrical socket but more importantly the ability to control all the lights in the room. You can even electronically control the curtains from here.


French windows are great for giving a really full view. I can see the dock from the view of my room, and all the white sail boats getting ready to go back out to sea.

Even the architecture of the building opposite us looks like a boat.
Suitcases can be placed on this purpose made suitcase desk for convenient access.
Tea table

Just beneath the tea table is a small refrigerator with tea coffee amenities as well as the usual soft drinks and beers.

Beside the windows there is a small working desk for me to keep Steeming :D
Actually, I really like the curvey design of the desk and chair.
On the other side, adjacent to the windows is the sofa which is also conveniently placed for maximum natural light.
The wardrobe is a simple yet attentive design.
It has nicely separated areas for different kinds of items.
There are different hangers used for different kings of clothes. There is even an iron and ironing board.
The safe-deposit box looks very sturdy and robust. It's good to put your travel documents and other important or expensive items in here if you do not plan on taking them out with you.
Open design bathroom
The toilet illuminates at night time, I think this is a really clever design, especially important for those who like to have bathroom trips in the middle of the night.

However, what I showed you above is what the room looks like when we first checked in. After just one day, it'll look more like this. Anywhere with a surface to put something, something will occupy that space. It's usually make-up, or skincare products. After just one day, I couldn't even find the speaker anymore..


Next, lets have a look at the facilities on other floors.

Here we have a small yet very feature complete gym for those who can't go a day without working out.

Outdoors swimming pool
Although the pool has been under the sun for a while, the temperature of the water is still quite cold. Definitely too cold for me to go for a swim. It is winter after all.
That said, sun bathing is still an option, it feels very comfortable this time of year. Not too hot, not too cold.
The Beach beside the hotel:

Because this area is considered the business district, the beach is surprisingly empty and very tranquil. It's beautiful watching the waves splashing ashore.


I hope you enjoyed my review of this brand new hotel in Xiamen. Whether you're visiting for business, or a vacation, I would highly recommend this hotel. It's in a prime location with easy access to the airport, and surrounded by the cities newest re-developments. It is however a little far from the typical tourist spots but perhaps it's something you would appreciate when retreating home after a day of sightseeing or work.


今天我想延续我们在厦门的旅程,先带大家去看一看这一家新开的酒店吧。这家酒店位于厦门市的高端商区,周围有中国最大的香山国际游艇码头, 还有环岛路马拉松赛道,当然还有美丽的海滩, 距离厦门机场只有20分钟车程。在之前的文章我介绍了这家酒店的外观环境和餐厅食物,感兴趣的朋友可以去查看。 选择这家酒店要感谢我的朋友,因为这一趟也是为了找我厦门的朋友玩,所以她帮我选择了这家2016年刚刚开业的酒店,距离她家只有500米的路。走进酒店,12米挑高的大堂配上亮晶晶的水晶灯。打开房间的门,窗帘自动拉开了,奉送给奔波的旅客一指明媚的阳光。一起去看看这家新酒店的房间设施吧。我和朋友来到这样一个舒适的酒店,第一个反应当然是躺在床上,好好休息一下。床头柜上摆着可以同时充电和播放手机音乐的小音箱,同时又是一个钟表,这个在旅行途中真的是超级有用的东西,即增添了乐趣又非常实用。床头柜墙上有设计周全的灯光开关,插座和电动窗帘的开关。落地窗有很好的风景,外面的码头飘着成群的白色帆船。就连这个建筑也很象一艘船。放行李的台子,非常方便。还有小型冰箱和装茶具酒杯的碗柜。窗户的边上是一个工作桌。窗台边的沙发,给旅客休息看书的好角落。衣柜的设计很周到。放不同的东西都有分区。不同功能的衣架和熨衣板。保险箱,出门在外我都会选择把重要的证件放在里面以防丢失。开放式的卫生间。这个夜光的马桶是最好的设计对于半夜起来用卫生间的人们。然而你在上面看到的只是刚刚住进来的场景,女孩们住过一天之后的场景,大概是下面这样的。只要是可以放东西的桌子被化妆品护肤品占据,所以什么音箱插头都找不到了。接下来带你们去其它楼层看看酒店的其他设施吧。一个小型但是设备齐全的健身房。虽然池水被太阳晒了一整天,却还是冰凉,游泳会太冷,毕竟进入了冰雪的冬季。不过晒晒太阳还是非常温暖的。 因为这里属于商务区域,所以非常宁静,没有什么路人,海滩的浪泛着白色的花朵。 希望你们喜欢对于酒店的介绍,无论你是商务旅行还是度假游玩,这家酒店都是不错的选择,因为酒店位置位于厦门的新区,所以会带来安静全新的环境,不过也离厦门景点集中的老城区远一些。

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