TacoCat (kinda) Cooks! #1: Chocomint Rice Cooker Pancake! 🥞


Hey Steemit!

Last week, we reached 100 posts for my main foodie series, TacoCat's TrEats! Man it's been crazy how many posts I've written and how much food I've eaten too! There's still more to come so no worries, but I was thinking of starting another foodie series since I've been cooking at home a lot more nowadays.

But anyway, I saw this cool rice cooker pancake recipe quite some time ago but never got to try it until now!


The recipe itself is pretty simple; only 5 ingredients and you just mix up the batter and let the rice cooker do it's magic so I figured it should be pretty easy.

And we actually had some unfinished peppermint chocolate milk that Sean bought just sitting in our fridge. He actually bought it some time ago but unfortunately he didn't really like it but I felt bad throwing away some fresh milk so I decided to try to make the rice cooker pancake with it!


So these are all the ingredients I'm using (also eggs that I missed out, sorry!). I decided to throw in chocolate chips too just for fun, and also to try to override the mint flavour in the milk since we're not big fans of that.


Next it was time to get prepping! Here's the dry ingredients - flour, baking powder and sugar:


Here's our special peppermint chocolate milk:


Time to create the batter! Pour the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients:

Mixing time!

Mixing until it becomes batter!

The recipe actually doesn't say this, but from my experience you don't wanna mix too much. Overmixing will cause the resulting pancake to be very dense and a little bit dry as well. So make sure you mix just enough so that the ingredients are combined, but there are still air bubbles in the batter.

And lastly, the finishing touch - chocolate chips!


Then it's time to bring out the secret weapon - the almighty rice cooker!


Remember to grease up the rice cooker pot with butter before pouring in the batter!

And in it goes! I also put some chocolate chips on top just in case the ones in the batter sank to the bottom, which it often does.


My rice cooker actually comes with a cake menu option so I used that, but if you have a standard rice cooker with only cook or warm options, it should work with the normal cook option as well. I used that previously and the rice cooker prematurely finished cooking, so you might have to double cook it.

But after it's done, here's what it looked like!


I took it out of the pot and flipped it over and this was the bottom!


And this was how thicc it was!


The crust is actually slightly crispy, and I could hear the crust when I sliced into it!

It was actually pretty dense, since it's so big, but it looked just like the picture in the recipe except it was brown!

I cut a slice and put a scoop of sweet corn ice cream on top since I didn't have vanilla. Sorry for the poor plating btw, the chocolate chips kinda ruined it. Also I'm really bad at plating.


It actually tasted pretty alright! I'm not a big fan of the peppermint chocolate in general since I don't like mint, but I think the cake made the mint a lot more subtle compared to drinking the milk straight. There was just a small hint of a minty aftertaste but it was still pretty manageable. The chocolate chips definitely helped to curb the mint taste as well, which was good since I didn't want to add too much sugar.

Overall, I'd say this was a pretty effective way to using up that peppermint chocolate milk! The weird thing is both of us are kinda lactose intolerant as well, so we can't even drink that much milk. Another reason why this pancake is awesome!

I've actually tried this recipe with a few other kinds of milk to see which was the best and I think either regular milk (full-fat/non-fat) or soy milk is the best! But chocolate milk is a good choice too. If you have a rice cooker and you want a good snack/breakfast, try this recipe out! It only takes like 10 minutes of prep then the rice cooker does all the work so it's really easy and convenient!

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoy this new series!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

TacoCat's TrEats #100: Yummy Yakitori bowls from Sukiya Singapore!🍲

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