Real Food Rebellion - 9/13/2016

One of my big passions is for real food. I think it is one of the most important topics in all of the socio-economic-political universe.

Getting our food right has the possibility of helping curb global warming, improving our health (lowering our healthcare costs), improving the economy, treating animals better, and helping the economy of many rural communities.

To that end I thought I would share some of the links that I have come across recently that shed light on one thing or another in that field. If this is something of interest on Steemit let me know and I will keep it going.

Barriers To Market
"Unleash me. Unleash thousands upon thousands of land-caressing, neighbor-loving, ecology-minded entrepreneurs on our foodscape, and we will revolutionize our landscape in a decade. It's time to guarantee every citizen the right to the food of their choice from the source of their choice. We can accomplish far more change, faster, by incentivizing diversity than by criminalizing choice."

How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat
"The sugar industry paid scientists in the 1960s to play down the link between sugar and heart disease and promote saturated fat as the culprit instead, newly released historical documents show."

The U.S. Doesn't Have Enough Of The Vegetables We're Supposed To Eat
""We have a serious disconnect between agriculture and health policy in our country," said Marion Nestle, a leading nutrition researcher and author at New York University. "The USDA does not support 'specialty crops' [like vegetables] to any appreciable extent and the Department of Commerce' figures show that the relative price of fruits and vegetables has gone up much faster than that of fast food or sodas." So while Americans are told to eat fruits and vegetables for their health, the government has meanwhile mostly just subsidized other crops that end up in cheaper, less healthy processed food. "Price has a lot to do with this," she adds."

Fertile Ground: Why Food is the New Internet

Do we really need industrial agriculture to feed the world?

I hope You find the above information interesting and enlightening. There is a lot we can do as consumers to change the course of our food supply, and from that the course of our lives, families, and the world.

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