Apricot Pie


200 g of flour 00
90 g of butter
1 egg
20 g of water

For the stuffing
700g of apricots
3 tablespoons filled with almond flour
3 tablespoons filled with sugar
80 g brown sugar


For a cake of 23-24 cm in diameter.

I sift the flour into a large bowl and sprinkle it with butter, soft and chopped. I mix a pinch of salt and mix the two ingredients with the tip of the fingers until they get big crumbs. I make the fountain and put the beaten egg and cold water. We quickly blend the ingredients with the fork, then pour it over the floured table and grind the pasta without kneading. When the dough is homogeneous, form a ball, press the disk and let it rest in the fridge, wrapped in the film, for at least an hour (or even the night).

When preparing the cake, I leave the dough for a while at room temperature and in the meantime I wash and dry the apricots and divide them into four. I place the compost disc between two sheets of paperforce and put it with the rolling pin forming a disc less than a half thick and less regular ½ cm thick. Remove the top sheet and with the dough paste a tartar paste with a mobile bottom leaving the sheet underneath.

Remove the excess of pasta by passing the knife all around and, rolling the cutouts on the table, form a cord that is attached to the perimeter of the pie pinching.

Mix the almond flour with the three tablespoons of sugar and sprinkle it on the bottom in a regular layer.

I place the clusters of concentrated apricot aprons, well-tightened and with the skin below, and then plummet them abundantly with cane sugar.

I pass the pie into the previously heated oven at 180 ° and cook the cake for three quarters of an hour.
Serve cold or warm, as you like.
I prefear cold, perfect for the summer with a tablespoon of vanilla ice cream!


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