

600 g of well-matured tomatoes
1 cucumber
2 red peppers
A small sweet red onion or 2-3 fresh onions
A little clove of garlic
120 g of unleavened bread crumbs
wine vinegar
extra virgin olive oil

To complete

1/2 pepper
A cucumber
Toads of toast
2-3 spring onions


I wash the tomatoes, then hit them at the base with two cross-cuts and took them for half a minute to boiling water, then into the cold water and finally sprout them. I divide them into quarters and eliminate the seeds.

I wash the peppers and step with the paddles to remove the skin, then divide them in half and remove the seeds and the light ribs (spelling the peppers is not a necessary operation, but without skin are much digestible).

I peel a cucumber and slice it. Cut the onion into pieces. I bathe in the water the bread crumb. Put a little pepper in the mixer, cut into diced, onion, cucumber, crushed cheese and grated garlic clove. Fry for a minute at maximum speed before joining the tomatoes, 3 tablespoons vinegar, 4 tablespoons of oil, salt and a grate of grated pepper. Pour it until the mixture becomes smooth and creamy.

Taste to adjust the salt and vinegar, then put to the gazpacho in a bowl, close the film and step into the fridge for at least 2 hours. When serving, put some ice cubes in the bowl and prepare the contours, each of which will serve as you please. We then put into the four bowls the toast, the cucumber and the medium sized pepper cut into cubes, and the finely sliced ??spring onions.


firma 1.jpg


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