Kale and Mung Beans Curry Soup || Gulai Daun Singkong


I meant to share this following recipe last night, but my bed lured me better than coming online 😂

This is an Indonesian veggie soup which to be honest, since there are thousands of islands in Indonesia, there are tons of names for this veggie soup. So, I don't know which is the original name, because in Borneo where my family live, people would only call it as "cassava leaf soup in coconut milk" (sayur daun singkong kuah santan), while the other islands have better (shorter) names such as "curried cassava leaf" (gulai daun singkong), "coconut milk soup" (sayur santan) --> although this one is so vague, Indonesia has tons of soups that are using coconut milk 🤣


Yes, the original soup, regardless the name, is using cassava leaf.

In Canada, obviously there isn't cassava leaf, especially the fresh ones. I did find once or twice chopped frozen cassava leaf at a Filipino store (or maybe somewhere in Chinatown) back in Ottawa (capital city of Canada) many moons ago. So what do I use when I feel like eating this curried veggie soup?


Not quite the same, but good enough.

There are various variety of this curried soups too btw. Some would add dry shrimps, quail eggs, chicken gizzard and hearts, some more with cubed tempeh or tofu. The recipe today is using deep fried ready to use tofu (find at Superstore Canada) AND split mung beans.

Now, when you hear or read the word of curry, I'm positive you are thinking of chicken or beef curry like flavored. Well not quite for this soup.

The spices used are almost as complete as when one is making meat curry, but also not so much.

We don't use curry leaf/powder in this soup, but we have candlenut (candleberry/Indian walnut) as one of the important ingredients. You can find them online, I have never seen them anywhere in Canada (unless from an Indonesian/Malaysian vendor).


Unfortunately even they are supposedly from walnut family, you can't use walnut as substitute. The soup taste different somehow 🤔🤣🤔🤣


  • 1/2 of an onion
  • 3-4 garlic
  • 3-4 candlenut
  • 1 piece dried galangal
  • 2 pieces Indonesian Salam leaf (online, if cannot find, subs with 1 small bay leaf)
  • 1/4-1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1-2 tsp ground coriander
  • 1 can of thick coconut milk
  • 1-2 chayotte, grated/julienned (mine was frozen, so thawed if frozen)
  • 1/2 of Chinese long beans, slice into sticks
  • 1 bunch of kale, just the leaves
  • 1/4 c split mungbeans
  • 1 bag of ready to use deep fried tofu
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • enough water
  • enough Vegeta powder, or 1 veggie cube, or sugar and salt to taste

How To

  • Process onion, garlic and candlenut into paste
  • Heat oil, saute paste, Salam leaf, galangal, coriander and turmeric powder, until fragrant


  • Pour in 1/2-1 c water, let it come to soft boil, on high heat


  • Pour coconut milk, add in veggies, cook covered for 5-8 mins, on medium heat


  • Stir in mung beans and season. Cook covered until veggies and mung beans soften


  • Drop in tofu and cook for another 2-3 mins


  • Serve warm with rice. Soooo good 😋

Hai teman!

Suka sayur daun singkong ga? Yang dimasak dengan santan. Kalau di Kalimantan kami menyebutnya sesederhana "sayur daun singkong", kalau di tempat kamu, lazimnya di sebut apa?

Anakku yang bungsu suka banget kacang panjang di dalam sayur daun singkong ini. Tapi yah itu dia, cuman kacang panjangnya doang 🤣

Sayang disini ga ada daun singkong, jadi kudu diakalin, dan sayur yang paling bisa di pakai sebagai pengganti, adalah sayur kale. Sepertinya ga ada sih di Indo, tapi kan emang ga perlu, karena sudah ada si daun singkong 😁

Sayur daun singkong kuah santan setiap pulau beda-beda bahan dan rasa. Kalau aku, seperti berikut ini


  • 1/2 bawang Bombay ukuran sedang
  • 3-4 siung bawang putih
  • 3-4 buah kemiri
  • 1 buah lengkuas/laos kering
  • 2 buah daun Salam
  • 1/2 sdt kunir/kunyit bubuk
  • 1-2 sdt ketumbar bubuk
  • 1 kaleng santan kental
  • 2 labu Siam kecil, parut
  • kacang Panjang secukupnya, potong2
  • daun kale secukupnya
  • 1/4 gelas kacang hijau kupas
  • 1 bungkus tahu pong
  • 2 sdm minyak zaitun
  • air secukupnya
  • Royco atau garam gula secukupnya

Cara Membuat

  • Haluskan bawang Bombay, putih dan kemiri
  • Panaskan minyak zaitun, tumis bumbu halus, daun Salam, lengkuas, kunir/kunyit, dan ketumbar bubuk. Beri air agar tidak kering
  • Masukkan sayuran dan santan, masak sebentar
  • Masukkan kacang hijau dan beri Royco. Masak hingga sayuran Dan kacang hijau lunak
  • Sebelum diangkat, masukkan tahu pong


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