Milky Pudding With Mango Sauce || Puding Susu Saus Mangga

Morning 🔆🔆🔆🔆

We went to a Filipino store the other day and my youngest spotted jelly powder, red, and he truly wanted it. He asked me to make (jelly) as the picture on the packaging.

Not wanting to make jelly just as is, on the back of the packaging it had a recipe, however it requires too many ingredients, and not vegan.

I opted by making Indonesian style pudding instead. I have tons of jelly powders, seaweed based, and are known as agar-agar powder, but they are the original - colorless, and when I make jelly, I hardly add food coloring, hence my son was so eager to grab the red jelly from the store. So I used Indonesian powder and the Filipino powder and came up with this following milky pudding with mango sauce, yummo for hot day 👍


Mango Layer

  • 1/2 of a mango, cubed
  • 1/2 tbsp colorless agar-agar powder
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 c of water


How To

  • Wet your mold and spread cubed mango
  • Bring the rest of the ingredients to a boil
  • Pour slowly on mango and let it set (5-8 minutes)


Milky Layer

  • 240 ml x 3 nut milk
  • 1 pouch agar-agar powder
  • 1/3-1/2 c sugar (depending how sweet you'd like your pudding to be)


How To

  • Bring everything to boil
  • Slowly pour onto mango layer
  • Let set completely (20-30 minutes), in the fridge.



If you pour milky layer while still boiling hot, mango layer will float to middle once cooled. If you'd like mango layer will be on the top/bottom, pour milky layer when slightly cooler - I did not have time to wait 🤣 Read: lazy waiting

Filipino Jelly/Red Layer

I have to say this jelly powder, although also seaweed base, same as agar-agar powder, it has differ texture, firmness, and smell. The packaging does mention many liquids of water, milk and evaporated milk to be used in one pouch though.

  • 1 pouch Mr. Gulaman red jelly powder
  • 1/2 c sugar
  • 240 ml x 2 water (should next time I will be using the same brand, I think I'd like to add another 240 ml, for softer result)


How To

  • Boil all ingredients and take off from heat
  • With a straw, make cylinder holes all over milky layer, then pour red jelly
  • Let set (at room temperature) for 20-30 minutes.


Serve pudding with mango sauce!

  • Place half of mango in a food processor/blender with 2 tbsp of sugar and enough nut milk (consistency is as you wish, so it can be 1/4 c of milk, more or less)
  • Process until smooth


Enjoy 😊


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Kemarin bikin puding susu saus mangga, lumayan dingin2 pas hawa panas.


Pinginnya sih pakai agar-agar buatan Indonesia aja, soalnya lazimnya merek Thailand di pasaran, butiran lebih besar/tebal ketimbang agar-agar bubuk kita, jadi takaran harus berhati2. Daaaan, kemarin nemu jelly bubuk ala Filipin, eeeh lebih berbeda lagi 🤣

Nih resepnya kalau mau ikutan bikin juga

Lapisan Mangga

  • 1/2 buah mangga, potong dadu, tata di cetakan yang sudah dibasahi terlebih dahulu
  • 1/2 smd agar-agar bubuk
  • 1/2 gelas air
  • 1 sdm gula Pasir

Cara Membuat

  • Didihkan air, agar-agar, gula, lalu tuangkan diatas mangga. Biarkan mengeras 5-8 menit, suhu ruangan

Lapisan Susu

  • 720 ml susu cair
  • 1/2 gelas gula Pasir
  • 1 bungkus agar-agar tanpa warna

Cara Membuat

  • Didihkan lalu tuangkan keatas lapisan mangga
  • Biarkan mengeras 20-30 menit di kulkas

Lapisan Jelly Merah

  • 1 bungkus jelly bubuk Filipin merek Mr. Gulaman (tentunya bisa pakai merek Indonesia)
  • 480 ml air (ini hasilnya super kenyal, kalau mau tambah air biar lebih lunak, silahkan)
  • 1/2 gelas gula Pasir

Cara Membuat

  • Didihkan, angkat dari kompor
  • Ambil sebatang sedotan, dan tusuk-tusukkan di lapisan Susu, lalu tuangkan jelly merah
  • Biarkan mengeras 20-30 menit suhu ruangan

Sajikan dengan saus mangganya!

Saus Mangga

  • Sisa mangga
  • 2 sdm gula Pasir
  • susu cair secukupnya (1/4 gelas)

Cara Membuat

  • Blender hingga halus

Jadi deh 😊


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