Vanilla & Chocolate Chips Cupcakes || Bolu Vanila & Keping Cokelat

A couple for years ago, I was contacted by an official from a district located not too far from our town, to teach at their Summer program, about baking and cake decorating. What fantastic was, the students would be little kids. That really was a humbling opportunity, because you know, a government official + for their town's project = awesome, especially when I'm not a resident of their town, how the hell they heard of me, right? So, humbling.

This morning I baked cupcakes since my 4 yo asked for it, and the topping I used, was actually what I learned from attending a family event held by the so-called district.


At this event, they had a cake walk game, which I'm sure you know what cake walk game is. My oldest, who was then 2 (if not 3) yo participated, when he got kicked out of the game, he "won" a prize. The prize was a cupcake and you could choose which topping you'd like to get, chocolate or vanilla.

When I looked at the huge bowls of toppings, they intrigued me, big time. I was like thinking, hmm what are they, they don't look like buttercream at all.

I did not find the opportunity to find out, but when I took a bite out of my son's, I thought to myself, could it be what I think it is? Never tried a cupcake with such topping, never heard anyone I know used such topping, and certainly never seen any bakeries offering cupcakes with them toppings.

Come check out the recipe, it will shock you, or not. Maybe I was just slow. It was back in 2011/2012. To date though, I still haven't found such cupcake anywhere but from my kitchen.

Simple, less hassle, yet awesome when I am too lazy whipping up buttercream 😉

Vanilla Chocolate Chips Cupcakes

  • 3/4 c flour
  • 1/2 c sugar
  • 1/2 tsp BSoda
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1/2 c water
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp each vanilla extract and vinegar


  • DF chocolate chips, optional

How To

  • Preheat oven to 350 F
  • Place 6 cupcake liners on a cupcake pan
  • Place dry ingredients in a bowl, pour in wet ingredients
  • Stir to just combine


  • Spoon 1 heaping tbsp each of batter into prepared pan, drop 4 chocolate chips and top with 1/2 tbsp of batter to cover
  • Bake for 20 mins (until cake spring back when touched)
  • Cool on rack


While cupcakes are baking, make the topping!

The secret is, a box of vanilla pudding and pie filling powder!!

Well, I believe what the event used were pudding. Whether I was correct or not, my kids always like it with the pudding topping 😂


  • 1 box of vanilla flavored of pudding and pie filling (watch for the ingredients, differ brand has differ ingredients, so find the vegan friendly one)
  • 2 3/4 c DF milk


How To

  • Prepare as directed on box. Cool at room temperature, stirring occasionally, before chilling in the fridge.
  • Chill at least 30-40 minutes. Consistency should be pipeable without drooping.

Hai teman,

Anakku yang bungsu suka banget cupcake. Kadang aku lagi maleeees banget bikin kue, tapi kasihan dengar rengekan dia.

Keseringan sih, dia meski cupcakenya tidak ada krim diatasnya, ga masalah, tapi kan cupcake tanpa krim jadi mirip muffin 😂 Jadi untuk mengakalin agar aku ga perlu buang2 mentega/margarin buat bikin krim, aku pakai puding 😂


Kedengaran aneh?

Aku dapat idenya pas ikutan acara cake walk, yaitu sebuah permainan, dimana kita bisa memenangkan kue 😂 Dan saat itu, kue yang disediakan, krimnya memakai puding! Aneh bin ajaib, soalnya ga pernah lihat di toko manapun di Kanada yang menjual cupcake dengan puding sebagai "krim".

Ternyata pas aku coba dirumah, anak2 sukaaaaa. Sejak itu, kalau lagi males bikin krim, tinggal dikasih puding deh atasnya. Gampang, cepat, murah meriah, dan enak 😉


  • 3/4 gelas terigu
  • 1/2 gelas gula Pasir
  • 1/2 sdt soda kue
  • sejumput garam
  • 1/2 gelas air
  • 3 sdm minyak goreng
  • 1 sdt cuka masak
  • 1 sdt esens vanila

Cara Membuat

  • Panaskan oven 350 F
  • Beri 6 kertas cupcake ke loyang cupcake
  • Campur bahan kering dalam mangkuk
  • Tuang bahan basah, aduk
  • Bagi adonan secukupnya ke kertas cupcake. Jika diinginkan, beri chocolate chips (kepingan cokelat kecil2)
  • Panggang 20 menit
  • Dinginkan di atas rak kawat


  • 1 kotak bubuk vanilla buat puding, siap pakai
  • 2 3/4 c susu cair

Cara Membuat

  • Masak sesuai instruksi di kotak
  • Dinginkan di suhu ruangan sambil sesekali diaduk
  • Masukkan ke kulkas (lemari pendingin), setidaknya 30-40 menit, biar agak mengeras/super kental (sampai bisa di semprotkan ke cupcake)


Gampang kan 😉

Thanks For Looking!

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