Six Week Health Week Four: Protein packed rocky road

Only 2 more weeks left of @healthsquared and @sweetsssj Six Week Health Challenge. So what is this weeks challenge? Make a healthy dessert, that will satisfy your sweet tooth but won't pile on the pounds. Rocky road is a particular favorite of mine so I decided so see if I could find a way to make a healthy version. This rocky road is packed with protein, antioxidants, and healthy fats, it also really satisfies a sweet tooth.


All the ingredients minus the raisins

  • 250g dark chocolate at least 70%
  • 1 tin of coconut milk (400ml)
  • Protien Nutella
  • 50g Rasins (Optional)

Strawberry chunks

  • Cashew butter - 1 and 1/2 tablespoon
  • Honey - 1 and 1/2 tablespoon
  • Strawberry protein powder - 1 tablespoon

Vanilla chunks

  • Cashew butter - 1 and 1/2 tablespoon
  • Honey - 1 and 1/2 tablespoon
  • Vanilla protein powder - 1 tablespoon

Biscuit chunks

  • Coconut flour - 2 tablespoon
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon
  • Coconut oil - 1 tablespoon


Step 1

  • Start by putting the coconut flour, honey and coconut oil in a bowel, in two separate bowls put the two protein powders, honey and cashew butter.
  • Mix these ingredients together.

Coconut biscuit top, vanilla to the right, strawberry to the left

Step 2

  • Roll into a ball (WARNING this gets sticky ha)
  • Flatten onto baking paper and make 1cm by 1cm logs
  • Stick this in the freezer for 15 minutes.

The tasty chunks, these are actually really good in themselves

Step 3

  • Break chocolate into heatproof bowel
  • Place bowl over a pan with hot water in it (a bain-marie)
  • Stir constantly

  • Open chilled can of coconut milk, you should get 5 spoons of cream (make sure you don't shake the tin before hand)
  • Stir thoroughly
  • Add in raisins and stir again

Mixing in the coconut is actually so satisfying

Step 4

The chocolate mixture in all it's glory

  • Poor in your mixture into bowel lined with greaseproof paper
  • Cut your tasty chunks into roughly 1cm squared cubes
  • Drop the chunks into the chocolate mixture
  • Place a few spoonfuls of Proteinella on top of the mixture also
  • Leave in the fridge for a couple of hours
  • Cut into cubes and taste the goodness!

Step 5

I sprinkled a little bit of coconut (So much coconut) on top to make it a little more aesthetic

Enjoy! These are actually really really good, much better than the pancakes I made in week one. They are quite rich so don't over indulge but man are good with some milk, sadly I don't think my camera captured how good they are. In future, I also think just a little bit of rum would make the flavors really pop.

Thanks for reading guys :)

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