We Chinese people like to celebrate everything with food, be it wedding, anniversary, holiday or traditional festival. Mid-Autumn is probably one of the most important festivals around one year, the moment for family get-together. Walking in the chilly wind, I recalled those passed Mid-Autumn nights spent with beloved family and dear friends. As Eric is attending correspondence course for psychology in Beijing, this Mid-Autumn, we were on our own. But, at least we have each other, so we decided to have some traditional cuisine – the famous Peking Duck.
民以食为天,在中国,人们欢度佳节总是离不开吃… 前年中秋,家人在身边;去年中秋,好友在身边;今年中秋,唯有老公在身边... 虽说“吾心安处是故乡”,但是传统佳节,想家想念亲朋好友总是难免。中秋之夜北京晚风寒冷,正是吃个烤鸭暖身、暖心的好时机…
Our hotel is near Wu Dao Kou, where many famous universities are located and full of popular restaurants. Instead of “Quan Ju De”, we went to “Sheng Yong Xing”. There were already many people waiting when we arrive. In FOOD and love we trust, it's worth of the waiting!
酒店位于高校和美食附近,对我来说简直是一种“老鼠掉在米缸里”的体验… 北京烤鸭,不止“全聚德”,”晟永兴”也不错。等老公下课后,我便迫不及待,急不可耐,兴致勃勃地出发了… 这家店在并不起眼的一条巷子里,却丝毫没有影响它的人气,我们到店的时候门口已经坐满了等位的人。“美食和爱情不可辜负”,等!
The duck is hung and roasted in the oven at “Sheng Yong Xiang”, and I could see all the procedure.
“晟永兴”的是挂炉烤鸭 - 红砖砌成的炉子没有炉门,通过这个炉口我可以看见火苗,烤鸭师傅会用一根挑杆挑起鸭子,从这个炉口进进出出。在寒冷的中秋夜,坐在暖暖的烤炉边,看着烤鸭师傅来来回回,对于好奇的我来说也是一种享受。
Bon Appetit!
After one hour’s waiting, it’s finally our turn. Waiting is kind of torturing, tasting is definitely exciting! Confronted with the piece-of-art dishes, screw the calories!
This desert-like dish is caviar-topped duck. Feel the caviar burst and duck skin melt in the mouth....
如甜品般精致的是“鱼籽酱配枣酥香烤鸭”,让人不忍下口。味道虽然很不错,但是量太少,实在不过瘾…我心想着,也许店家的目的应该就是让你“念念不忘 必有回响”...?
Traditional Peking Duck - delicious combination of flavors and textures... crunchy crispy skin, tender flavorful meat, sweet bean sauce, filled in chewy pancake, all in one bite… Taste like heaven…
枣酥香烤鸭 - 桌边现切,摆盘精美别致,配了京葱丝、黄瓜丝、蒜泥、甜面酱、白砂糖五种配料。鸭皮酥脆,皮下的脂肪很薄一层,焦香肥美,蘸上少许白砂糖却也不腻,入口之后像焦糖一般油润的化开… 此时此刻,只能对自己说…去他妈的卡路里…
Toufu soup and Beijing style fried bean-paste noodles are also must-haves at "Sheng Yong Xing".
其实这篇文章昨晚就撰写好了,发布时竟然消失了... 没有在word里存档,内心是崩溃的... 只得今天重写...
隐隐约约中 明白你的决定
不敢勉强你 只好为难自己