✿ Salad with eggs, herbs, oil, mustard, seeds, spices, and more ❀

Decided to share a salad I made today!

The salad is made with approximately the following (please feel free to make just however you like!):

basil, chia seeds, cucumber, eggs, garlic, hemp seeds, honey, lemon (juice), mustard, (extra virgin) olive oil, oregano, pumpkin seeds, romaine lettuce, salt (pink himalayan sea salt), scallions, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, tomato

Suggest getting everything together ahead of time. This can help keep organized and not leave things out. Took some things out later as I thought of them. Sometimes just let the creative ideas flow and grab something you want to add whenever.

First thing I suggest is soaking the chia seeds. This takes some time for the seeds to soak. This allows for better digestion as this process helps break down the seeds protection that does not digest so easily.

Cut or break up any kind of lettuce or green you would like on your salad. Today I used romaine lettuce n my salad.

Sliced cucumber to add to the salad.

Sliced tomato to add to the salad.

Add sliced tomato to the salad.

Got some fresh herbs from outside! You may have your own, get some at a store, or use dried herbs that you have in your cabinet.

Have some fresh scallion to cut up with the scissors. Can chop up or break up other herbs by hand as you wish. Also took out some honey and mustard to add to my salad. you can use any salad dressing you like. I use some mustard as a good way to get some turmeric in my diet.

Broke four eggs in a pan to start cooking them. Two can be enough for a meal and you can cook them however ou like!

Flipped the eggs over. Getting ready to put them on my salad. :)

Adding the oregano and basil.

Cutting up the scallions and adding them to my salad.

Adding chia, hemp, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds. Feel free to add whatever seeds you like and have available.

Chia seeds before, during, and after may look the same in my pictures. But I really did soak them!

Add garlic, lemon juice, mustard, oil to my salad. Feel free to add whatever salad dressing and/or flavoring things you want and enjoy! Feel free to make suggestions for any future posts, food or otherwise!


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