#2 EASY Fruit & Nut Truffles (85% Cocoa Dark Chocolate) and Homemade Spicy Hot Chocolate - An Original Recipe

Truffles are super easy to make, and such a wonderful gift to give all those people you're still wondering what on earth to get for Christmas.  As I mentioned in my post about the Hazelnut & Brandy Truffles, most chocolates you can buy are packed with sugar and harmful artificial ingredients, so it's wise to make your own if you can, especially for children who are even more susceptible to the effects of sugar and artificial poisons than we are.

It doesn't really matter what dried fruit or nuts you use in these, so choose depending on what you like.  I find blueberries give a lovely tang, and roasted hazelnuts have such a lovely flavour, but honestly any you want will work just as well.  You can't really taste the flavour of the figs, they're more for sweetness to balance the bitterness of the high-percent cocoa dark chocolate, but if you really don't want to use them, I recommend using dates instead as they are similar in sweetness & texture.

What you will need: (makes about 50)

125g soft figs

50g dried blueberries

50g dried goji berries or cranberries

175g organic dark chocolate (70% - 85% cocoa) + 50g extra for coating

75g butter

100g chopped nuts (eg hazelnuts, almonds, pecans)

100g ground nuts

125g fine wholewheat flour

1 tblsp ground cinnamon (to mix with choc for coating)

Pinch chilli powder

Pinch cayenne pepper

Pinch nutmeg

1/2 tsp honey


Finely chop the figs, blueberries and goji berries/cranberries.  Put them in a large bowl.

In a bowl over boiling water, melt the chocolate and stir in the butter.

Add the chocolate & butter mixture to the dried fruit and mix in.

Add both the chopped nuts and ground nuts and mix.

Add the flour and blend using a wooden spoon.  Pop into the fridge to cool for about 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, finely grate the remaining chocolate, put into a tub/bowl and mix well with the cinnamon.

Roll the truffle mixture into small balls and roll in the chocolate/cinnamon mixture until evenly coated.  Place carefully into a suitable tub for storage/refrigeration. 

Keep in a cool place or the fridge, and serve at room temperature.  Who needs Ferrero Rocher when you can have homemade truffles instead?  Delicious!!!

You should have left-over of the chocolate & cinnamon mixture, so with it I like to treat myself to a wonderfully warming homemade hot chocolate.  Put 4 heaped teaspoons of the mixture into a mug, and add the cayenne pepper, chilli powder, and nutmeg.

In a pan on moderate heat, warm enough milk to fill your mug (don't allow to boil).

Pour just a little boiling water into your mug to mix into a chocolatey paste, then slowly pour in the milk, stirring continuously.

Add the honey a stir well.

Enjoy by the fire if you have one, or if not, it's a jolly good thing there's extra spice in your chocolate to warm you up!

If you enjoyed this post, please follow me for more seasonal healthy recipes and crafts throughout December!

Many thanks.

All ideas and photos in this post are my own original.

You can also follow me as Natural Health Mama at https://www.facebook.com/naturalhealthmamma and https://naturalhealthmamablog.wordpress.com/ 

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