Banana & Date Loaf - my saviour when I was losing weight!

In just 5 months I managed to lose 3 stone... the healthy way.  No crazy fad diets, no starving myself.  This is what I look like now:

This is what I looked like in February:

The main reason for my success was cutting out processed foods completely (so harmful, but there's a post for another day) - so my diet became very simple and natural - mainly wholegrains, vegetables, lean proteins, fruit, plenty of water & green tea, and exercise every spare moment I had.  Which is super difficult when you have a baby, but with enough determination you can find a way to work this out.  I managed 1 hour of aerobics each morning as my baby played or napped, and I took him for a 6 mile walk every afternoon.

The thing I struggled with most was supper time.  I always had a sweet tooth and would eat sugary snacks like chocolate or biscuits every single evening.  So when it came to trying to lose weight I was at a loss for supper ideas that would satisfy my sweet tooth, yet without sugar (or sweeteners which are super harmful!  Avoid avoid avoid!)

So I adjusted a banana bread recipe I had to make it healthy, and surprisingly even more delicious!  Seriously I have eaten 2 thick slices with butter every evening since February, and despite this I was down 3 stone by July.  So I'd like to share my recipe and wish all you people losing weight the very best!

(* I try to use organic ingredients, as pesticides/toxins in food hinder your body's ability to function as it should, including metabolism performance).

Makes 2 loaves 

4 eggs, beaten until fluffy
2/3rd cup coconut/butter/avocado oil, melted (- these are good fats)
4 large ripe bananas, mashed
2/3 cup water
A large handful of dates, chopped
1 tsp sea salt
4 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking soda
4 cups wholewheat flour, either fine or fine/coarse mixture

Pour mixture into loaf tins and sprinkle with extra cinnamon.  Bake at 160 degrees C for 50 minutes.  Enjoy hot or cold, as it is, or with butter.

If you'd like more tips on health, weight loss, and natural ways to do this, follow me as Natural Health Mama on Facebook at and

Thanks for reading!

Logo kindly made for me by @papa-pepper

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