Hey there my Steemit friends! Did you know there are more than 500 different types of Bananas? I certainly did not, until I began doing a little research for this post. Here I've got my hands on the very popular and common Burro Banana in Luang Prabang Laos.
I find it interesting as "burro" means donkey in Spanish yet the banana dates back to 5,000BC found originally in South East Asia. Eh, beats me, but these fatter stubbier Burro Bananas are delicious and nutritious, more so than your everyday store bought banana, and that makes them a Travel Super Food!

I'd tell you how much these cost at the local morning Market in Laos, but I didn't buy them. It's an all you can eat banana buffet at my twelve dollar a night hotel. Burro bananas, instant coffee, and tea come with your room! However I'm sure a bunch like this cost about a dollar give or take.
You know they're ripe when they start getting the black dots on them. You open it like a banana, as it is one! But when you bite into it you'll immediately know the difference compared to the Chiquita brand banana sold commonly throughout the western world. It has a firmer yet creamier texture. It's a little sweeter and has even been described as tasting of vanilla ice-cream, even though I think it taste more like banana ice cream!

What makes these fat chubby bananas super? For starters they are high in iron which help treats anemia. For the ladies it relieves menstrual cramps. For the elderly it aids in strengthening your bones as it allows your body to absorb calcium more efficiently. They're high in fiber and relieve constipation. Traditionally they've been used as an antacid helping with indigestion, upset stomach, and ulcers.
Burro Bananas are high in potassium which fights against kidney disorders, promoting urination, and elimination of toxins. Burro Bananas are great for your eyes. Studies have been done showing an improvement in night blindness and glaucoma after including them into one's diet. They're anti-inflammatory aiding in a huge range of inflammation related illnesses. Last but not least, they help regulate blood pressure which is great for the cardio vascular system. With all these great benefits Burro Bananas are top notch and delicious! Until next time - Dan "World Travel Pro!"

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