What Does a $3.50 Take Out Meal Look Like in Laos?
Getting food in Laos is always a good value especially if you know where to go. I sometimes mix it up and bring my food back to my room. What you see in the photo below is Korean Kim-Chi and 1.5 liter bottle of water bought at the local Korean convenience store for a dollar total. Along with that is about a half pound of grilled pork, different lettuces and mint, a bag of rice noodles with cucumber and tomato, and a baggy of hot sauce for $2.50! Delicious and nutritious and it cost less than a number 3 at Burger King!

Not To be Missed!
Special Monuments and Structures of the Capital City. Vientiane Laos! (11photos and descriptions)
Travel Tip #14: Spend Less, Travel More! (and don't sacrifice on quality)
With over 10 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a video just for you!